Use "post traumatic stress disorder" in a sentence

1. Money, drugs, Post-Traumatic stress disorder.

2. We usually hear about post-traumatic stress disorder.

3. We usually hear about post- traumatic stress disorder.

4. HyperArousal is commonly caused by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

5. In addition, the complainant was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder.

6. They include: generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias, panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia), obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

7. Blunted Affect is commonly seen in those with post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD

8. Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress

9. Anxiety is the main symptom of several conditions, including panic disorder, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder and social Anxiety disorder (social phobia)

10. Later, I found out that what I had was short-term PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder.

11. Disorder-specific cognitive behavioral Conceptualizations have been published for most conditions including low self-esteem, panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosis, post-traumatic stress disorder

12. Sometimes the sufferer is diagnosed with a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).—See box above.

13. Vizard also said that Thompson was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after the attack on Bulger.

14. It's actually a form of post-traumatic stress.

15. The Board is claiming a Post Traumatic Stress

16. "Affliction" portrays the nuanced small moments and the glaringly obvious stabs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, in excruciating clarity

17. "Affliction" portrays the nuanced small moments and the glaringly obvious stabs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, in excruciating clarity

18. Post-traumatic stress is a normal response to abnormal circumstances.

19. Frank Lawlis have applied the Baud in clinical environment for children, adolescents and adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Mood Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety

20. It's some kind of, like, post-traumatic stress therapy or something.

21. Both boys, however, were reported to suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, and Venables in particular told of experiencing nightmares and flashbacks of the murder.

22. He said in many ways, he felt that the mindfulness training program we offered gave them a really important tool to protect against developing post-traumatic stress disorder and even allowing it to turn into post-traumatic growth.

23. Canines for Service provides Veterans from all conflicts with service-connected mobility limitations, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Traumatic Brain Injury with highly trained service dogs at no cost or promotional consideration

24. A Bible student who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, which makes it very difficult for him to go out in public, came to the Memorial.

25. You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good.

26. Some people attribute his behaviour to post-traumatic stress from his service as a pilot in Vietnam.

27. Amitriptyline for post-traumatic Agitation

28. The Amnesic ictus is a brutal and traumatic disorder for the person […]

29. Abreaction is a specific technique that involves the reliving (dramatic) of traumatic events under hypnosis for the treatment of trauma victims (e.g., child abuse cases; posttraumatic stress disorder)

30. The Cobb angle is the preferred method of measuring post-traumatic kyphosis in a recent meta-analysis of traumatic spine fracture classifications.

31. Here are the top five things that people with post- traumatic growth say:

32. Acute post-traumatic headache attributed to moderate or severe head injury [S06] 5.1.2.

33. [affirming $600,000 pastpain andsuffering award where theplaintiff suffered Awrist fracture andherniated disc,and [*2]developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy and post-traumatic stressdisorder associated withmajor depressive disorder]; Je(fries v3520 Broadway Mgt

34. Napoleon ended lawlessness and disorder in post-Revolutionary France.

35. Acute stress disorder (ASD) is a mental disorder that can occur in the first month following a trauma

36. Nowadays it is known that traffic accidents may cause posttraumatic stress disorder.

37. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Hostile Cognitions, and Aggression in Iraq/Afghanistan Era Veterans

38. The goals of The Traumatic Stress Group are to advance the understanding of PTSD and its treatment.

39. Standardized concepts for the prevention of post-traumatic infections are an absolute essential in trauma surgery.

40. Purpose: Impaired brain Cortices contribute significantly to the pathophysiological mechanisms of post-traumatic olfactory dysfunction (PTOD)

41. The differentiation between degenerative syndromes of the cervical spine and post-traumatic symptoms requires accident analysis.

42. Conceptualization, Assessment, and Treatment of Traumatic Stress in First Responders: A Review of Critical Issues Harv Rev Psychiatry

43. Cortisol modulation of prefrontal glutamate- glutamine activity in healthy controls and posttraumatic stress disorder

44. Battered WOMAN SYNDROME BWS has been identified as a subcategory of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

45. In addition to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) many traumatized individuals also suffer from chronic pain.

46. The diathesis–stress model asserts that if the combination of the predisposition and the stress exceeds a threshold, the person will develop a disorder.

47. The researchers used the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children to assess rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anorexia, bulimia, major depression, conduct disorder, and suicidality.

48. 17 Suprapatellar bursa reconstruction and patella retinacula plastic operation is a good method to treat the post-traumatic knee ankylosis.

49. Anhedonia is a common symptom of mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

50. Classically Cozen's phenomenon is described as the late-onset post-traumatic valgus deformity associated with proximal tibial metaphyseal fractures in children

51. At least in the first year after fracture, post-traumatic osteopenia appears to be a condition with an increased appositional activity.

52. Auditory hallucinations are commonly associated with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, psychotic depression, mania, and posttraumatic stress disorder

53. Ionosit Baseliner employs patented controlled expansion technology to reduce the post-polymerization stress which leads to leakage, post-op sensitivity and recurrent decay

54. The DSM-5 recategorizes Adjustment disorders as a “heterogeneous array of stress response syndromes that occur after exposure to a distressing (traumatic or nontraumatic

55. The symptomatology and the course of a post-traumatic cerebello-pontine angle syndrome in a 62 year old female patient are described.

56. The present invention relates to a composition for treating anxiety disorder, and more specifically, to a pharmaceutical composition for treating anxiety disorder such as posttraumatic stress disorder or phobia, containing N-acetyl-L-cysteine or a derivative thereof.

57. “Bereaved individuals have become the secondary victims of COVID-19, reporting severe symptoms of traumatic stress, including helplessness, horror, anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt, and regret

58. Methods: Traumatic arthralgia model was made by surgical traumatic methods in rats and histomorphology was observed.

59. They include Antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder

60. The contractor was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress and had earlier been dismissed while working in Iraq by the security firm Aegis for “extreme negligence” and was awaiting trial for assault, having already been convicted of three other crimes, including robbery, possession of ammunition and public order offences

61. Among the etiological variety of types of post-traumatic amaurosis, this rare cause should be taken into consideration in the etiology, diagnosis and therapy, if appropriate.

62. The diagnosis was primary open-angle glaucoma in 9 eyes, pseudoexfoliative glaucoma in 15 eyes, ocular hypertension in 3 eyes, and 1 post-traumatic secondary glaucoma.

63. NAvicular fracture also called tarsal nAvicular fracture, most commonly the result of either traumatic injury or undue stress, with the latter having a higher incidence in younger individuals and athletes 1).Even though midfoot fractures are relatively uncommon injuries, nAvicular stress fractures represent up to one-third of all stress fractures 2).

64. Bipolar disorder, also known as Bipolar affective disorder, is a mood disorder

65. Female: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, breast pain, ovarian disorder, vaginal disorder

66. What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a type of mood disorder

67. Having your leg Amputated is traumatic

68. 5 Don't you find exams traumatic?

69. Adolescents can be particularly overwhelmed when stress is related to a traumatic event, expressed as excessive worry or sadness, unhealthy eating or sleeping habits, and difficulty with attention and concentration.

70. Traumatic injury: Injury to the Cuticle e.g

71. Disease or Syndrome Bullous dystrophy, macular type is a genetic disorder characterised by formation of bullae without traumatic origin, alopecia, hyperpigmentation, Acrocyanosis, short stature, microcephaly, intellectual deficit, tapering fingers and nail abnormalities.

72. I mean, that's gonna be slightly traumatic.

73. 4 Our journey home was pretty traumatic.

74. Post-traumatic abacterial osteomyelitis of this type may be of clinical importance and requires treatment consisting in the removal of the corroded implant and the adjacent metallotic tissue.

75. Delusions are typical symptom of various mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder,(sentencedict .com) and schizophreniform disorder.

76. Appositional healing to spare spinal cord tissue, decreased post-traumatic cyst formation, and decreased spinal cord tissue pressure have been demonstrated in preclinical models of spinal cord contusion injury

77. ADD abbr. attention deficit disorder Attention deficit disorder.

78. Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder

79. Abreactions are helpful in recovering dissociated or repressed traumatic material, reconnecting missing affect with recalled material and for transforming traumatic memories

80. Agitation following traumatic brain injury: An Australian sample.