Use "post mortem" in a sentence

1. Only a post-mortem revealed the truth.

2. Post-Mortem stab wounds were also discovered. "

3. He carried out a post-mortem examination.

4. They're doing a post-mortem on her today.

5. A post-mortem examination was carried out yesterday.

6. Post-mortem contraction of the posterior neck ligaments.

7. Post-Mortem stab wounds almost always indicate sexual homicide.

8. A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortar ( post mortem ).

9. A post mortem examination found that she died from asphyxiation.

10. A post mortem showed he died from shock and haemorrhaging.

11. This is based on clinical signs and post-mortem examination.

12. Also last weekend, the Fabians published their general election post-mortem.

13. The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.

14. Demonstration of this assertion depends on specifying the features of ante-mortem existence which are directly related to post-mortem existence.

15. 4 The coroner says we will have to hold a post-mortem.

16. The coroner says we will have to hold a post-mortem.

17. A post-mortem examination showed that he died from head injuries.

18. Antonyms for Antemortem include posthumous, postmortem, delayed, following, post-mortem, post-obit, post-obituary, retrospective, subsequent and after death

19. No evidence of drugs was found in the post-mortem examination.

20. The authors tested the possibilities for forensic personal identification based on the comparison of ante-mortem and post-mortem radiographs.

21. Appropriate tests for screening using post-mortem blood samples should be addressed.

22. An Autopsy is sometimes termed an obduction or a post-mortem examination

23. An Autopsy is a post mortem medical procedure performed by a qualified pathologist

24. The post-mortem on the child revealed that she had been poisoned.

25. On the orders of Abakumov the body was cremated without a post-mortem.

26. The post mortem is carried out or is conducted by the police pathologist.

27. The post mortem was carried out or was conducted by the police pathologist.

28. Post mortem examination revealed extensive myofascial necrosis and subcutaneous gaseous formation ( Figure 3 ) .

29. A post-mortem will take place tomorrow at Poplar mortuary in east London.

30. Case 1 with normal pyramids on sonography had normal medulla at post mortem.

31. The capability of blanching post mortem hypostasis diminishes in way of an exponential function.

32. Adipocere is a waxy substance formed post-mortem during incomplete anaerobic decomposition of soft tissues

33. On post - mortem , the pericardium is found distended , with plenty of clear straw - coloured fluid .

34. 9 A post-mortem will take place tomorrow at Poplar mortuary in east London.

35. Lipase and esterase activities in post-mortem pork muscle and adipose tissue were assayed.

36. Or someone put the gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger post-mortem.

37. He came promptly when called, and was equally prompt reporting on a post-mortem.

38. 6 A post-mortem will take place tomorrow at Poplar mortuary in east London.

39. 90% of the flesh is missing because of mutilation and post mortem Anthropophagi caused by canine scavenging

40. We evaluated the new Humanoptics 1CU accommodative IOL in a laboratory study with human post mortem autopsy eyes.

41. A post-mortem examination disclosed she had died from a single knife wound, which had severed the artery.

42. In the morning, immediately after break. fast, he would be at the public mortuary doing the post-mortem.

43. 29 In the morning, immediately after break. fast, he would be at the public mortuary doing the post-mortem.

44. Those parents who had consented to post mortem examinations were not told that their child's organs might be retained.

45. This is based on clinical signs, seasonal occurrence of disease and, if possible, lesions at post-mortem examination.

46. On a total of 150 specimens of vitreous humor the post-mortem ammonia value was determined by diffusion method.

47. When Lady Flora died in July, the post-mortem revealed a large tumour on her liver that had distended her abdomen.

48. Alongside it were hundreds of patients' confidential medical notes, dozens of confidential letters to senior hospital staff and post-mortem reports.

49. In cases of post mortem burning (without vital traumata) no typical pulmonary fat embolism had developed despite massive lipemia in the venous blood.

50. Because of the bleeding tendency of yellow fever patients, a biopsy is only advisable post mortem to confirm the cause of death.

51. A post-mortem revealed she had one and a half litres of blood in her right lung, which had almost completely collapsed.

52. It is clear that the destination of post-mortem existence was a world other than and different from the world human beings inhabit.

53. It was only when doing a post-mortem that they discovered the two small puncture marks side by side on her left buttock.

54. Autopsies An autopsy is an intricate post-mortem medical procedure often requiring complex laboratory tests. It includes examination of all major organs to document injury and/or disease.

55. An Autopsy is a post-mortem examination that is performed on deceased individuals to determine the cause of death or the extent of their injuries or disease

56. All Reference types are cleared before they are enqueued, so the thread handling the post-mortem cleanup never has access to the referent object, only the Reference object.

57. Two daughters of an Archdeacon were stabbed to death following a birthday party in a park, a post-mortem has revealed, as detectives launch an appeal for their killer.

58. Circulator Pathology A person who assists in a post-mortem examination by documenting information, taking photographs, answering the phone, etc., but isn’t involved in physical examination of the body.

59. Quorum utrumque argrotanti Convulsionem et mortem a (ferret.—I

60. Ananalysis in 2005 of post-mortem remains from 43 prisoners sentenced todeath by electrocution found the most common visible injuries to behead and leg burns where the electrodes were attached.

61. (5) There have been a total of 21 fatalities registered in four Member States where 4-methylamphetamine alone or in combination with one or more substances, especially amphetamine, has been detected in post-mortem samples.

62. Developers can write error logs from their experimental kernels prior to a crash, then link and boot up from a working NWSSTGand link to the NWSSTG with the error log for post mortem examination.

63. Arcturus was formed in 1990/1991 as an offshoot of the band Mortem

64. A completed Post Mortem Examination (PME) performed on the body of Sahara La Cruz, a 15-month baby from Cabora Village, Moruca, North West District who died last week after experiencing Convulsions, Skip to content

65. In fact, contentio--in rhetoric the expression of Antithetic or contrary ideas, as in morte mortem mortificans, moriendo mortem destruis: "the biter bit"--rules the thought, the action and the expression of …

66. Balustrades; Handrails and Post-To-Post Or Over-The-Post

67. Although surgical specimens from inflammatory adrenal lesions are extremely rare, the various forms of adrenalitis play an important role in the post-mortem examination of the adrenal glands for clarification of unclear causes of death (e.g. death during an Addisonian crisis).

68. Foremast, goal post mainmast, goal post mizzer, and goal post Aftermast

69. Except where warm cutting and boning is practised, meat must be chilled after post-mortem inspection to an internal temperature of not more than 7°C for carcase meat and 3°C for offals allong a chilling curve which ensures a constant decrease of the temperature.

70. METAL POST: Sandblast the surface of the post.

71. Agitations: Post-Electronic Sounds is an 11-track album of post-digital, post-electronic music

72. Adjustable post support rods (28) support the post.

73. Post-op.

74. This is demonstrated by contrasting 1,473 operations of the upper abdomen without prophylaxis and with nine lethal necroses of the pancreas and 2,111 comparable interventions with inhibitor prophylaxis, when only two cases of necroses of the pancreas were observed post-mortem in patients who had died from other complications.

75. [Post-Bilharzic bladder neck obstruction] [Post-Bilharzic bladder neck obstruction] [Post-Bilharzic bladder neck obstruction] J Urol Nephrol (Paris)

76. Just definite post.

77. Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits Post-9/11 GI Bill

78. The Post Office will dispatch the letters by the next post.

79. — Post-auricular adenopathy

80. OCR Post Processing