Use "possessively" in a sentence

1. 'That's mine!' she said possessively.

2. Leaning over, he kissed her possessively on the mouth.

3. He was sleeping, one arm flung possessively across his wife.

4. It believes that we can attain the journey of special wishes of "success" possessively .

5. It closed possessively on the aroused peak, sending delicious waves of pleasure shuddering through her.

6. Synonyms for Amorously include fondly, affectionately, dearly, lovingly, tenderly, adoringly, indulgently, possessively, with affection and devotedly

7. Admiringly So too, men and women handle string bags every day, often Admiringly and possessively, but they are revolted by placentas and other birth substances

8. Yue smiled at Ham's lovely face complacently. He held his little lover possessively in his arms and whispered in his ears. "You will always be mine, little one."

9. Ham smiled at Yue's lovely face complacently . He held his little lover possessively in his arms and whispered in his ears. "You will always be mine, little one."