Use "positivism" in a sentence

1. Beyond Logical Positivism; Axiologist

2. 21 In normativist language the style of sociological positivism is that of constructivist rationalism.

3. In logical empiricism methodology, Falsificationism is the core while Positivism is the complement.

4. Continue• Behaviouralism is a variant of positivism which emphases scientific ways of studying the world.•

5. 25 In many important respects, therefore , Durkheim remained a faithful disciple of Comte's positivism.

6. Legal positivism is the dominant theory, although there are a growing number of critics, who offer their own interpretations.

7. 22 Indeed, they have been embarrassed by them, having so internalized the epistemological criteria of positivism, empiricism and pragmatism.

8. 11 Broadly, these tensions result from two diametrically opposed approaches to social research - positivism and naturalism.

9. The spirit of constructive positivism and active endeavor is one of the principles stressed by Sunnah.

10. Coerciveness does not appear as a separate condition for the validity of the legal order in legal positivism

11. Violence at the Threshold of Detectability Negative Positivism The new millennium began with a bizarre legal battle

12. 22 This covers both his penchant for fusion, and his dippy mystic positivism and cosmology of love.

13. 22 The main criticism of sociological positivism is founded on the vagueness of the central concepts of the theory.

14. 23 These characteristic ideas of functionalism are found running throughout the theories of sociological positivism, evolutionary social theories, and pragmatism.

15. 5 But of course natural law is false judged by positivist assumptions just as positivism is false judged by natural law assumptions.

16. The term (French Altruisme, derived from Latin alter, “other”) was coined in the 19th century by Auguste Comte, the founder of Positivism, and adopted generally as a convenient antithesis to egoism.

17. In discussions of Hayek's succession to Mach, the points stimulating to the Hayekian students consist mainly in four aspects: connectionism, reductionism,[sentencedict .com] positivism and ontology.

18. 2005] THREE Antimonies OF MODERN LEGAL POSITIVISM 55 I propose to examine the three great antinomies of modern jurisprudence and how Christian jurisprudence might help to resolve them

19. Positivism who thought that sense and experience be exclusively related to the proposition became impossible solipsism, this is because sense and experience can be reduced in actual languages.

20. France - France - Cultural and scientific Attainments: The cultural climate of the later 19th century in France, as in the Atlantic world generally, was strongly marked by the current called positivism

21. The term (French altruisme, derived from Latin alter, “other”) was Coined in the 19th century by Auguste Comte, the founder of Positivism, and adopted generally as a convenient antithesis to egoism.

22. This chapter suggests that moving beyond positivism entails a recognition that the social world is made up of complex phenomena that are heterogeneous, and events are caused by contingent Conjunctures of causal mechanisms

23. ‘Some neo-positivists cannot forgive him for his anti-positivism, and some empiricists cannot be patient with his Apriorism.’ ‘Indeed, I spent a considerable amount of time during my post-doc year studying Austrian economics at NYU trying to convince a number of Austrians to abandon their commitment to Apriorism.’

24. The word "altruism" (French Altruisme, from autrui, "other people", derived from Latin alter, "other") was coined by Auguste Comte, the French founder of positivism, in order to describe the ethical doctrine he supported.He believed that individuals had a moral obligation to renounce self-interest and live for others