Use "port sudan" in a sentence

1. Facilities at Port Sudan and Khartoum Airport terminal continue to be shared as common services.

2. Port Sudan is the gold jewelry from local goldsmith with a special hand - made process of refining.

3. Nowadays, most Beja people live in the Sudanese states of Red Sea around Port Sudan, River Nile, or Kassala among others.

4. Of the total of # posts in the office # are proposed for abolition, with # remaining to carry out the functions in Port Sudan outlined above

5. Of the total of 277 posts in the office, 218 are proposed for abolition, with 59 remaining to carry out the functions in Port Sudan outlined above.

6. Beja were especially hit by drought in the 1970s and therefore shifted their livelihood from camel rearing to breeding smaller animals and working in Port Sudan as dockers and other labourers

7. General Services Section: four national staff posts are proposed to be moved to the Port Sudan logistics hub from the Kassala regional office; abolition of one international and six national staff posts

8. Medical Services Section: four national staff posts to be moved to the Port Sudan logistics hub from the Kassala regional office; abolition of two national staff posts and two international United Nations Volunteers posts

9. Regional office- Kassala: abolition of two national staff posts; move of two international and two national staff posts to the Port Sudan logistics hub; and move of one international staff post from the Kassala regional office to the Nyala sub-office