Use "porcupines" in a sentence

1. The Chinchilla is related to guinea pigs and porcupines

2. Parrots, tree porcupines, opossums, agoutis, and coatis all vanish —and with good reason.

3. Bezoars were taken from the guts of deer, antelope, porcupines, goats, oxen and llamas

4. Porcupines live there now, the ones who gnaw scars on to the maple trees.

5. Crepuscular animals include mule deer, coyotes, porcupines, desert cottontails, black-tailed jackrabbits, and many songbirds

6. MAN: You looking forward to a whole bunch of little bald porcupines running out there?

7. Other creatures include badgers, bats, bobcats, coyotes, kit foxes, kangaroo rats, mountain lions, porcupines, rabbit, skunks, wild burros, lizards, snakes, and desert tortoises.