Use "populate" in a sentence

1. Outage Algae microorganisms in the water over populate over populate because of the surpluses surplus nitrogen.

2. Over six billion humans populate the Earth.

3. Astrophysicists populate academia and government agencies

4. Many dignitaries and VIPs populate this Arrondissement.

5. Proof # 16 : Who will populate the Millennium?

6. The Barcode row will automatically populate with Barcodes

7. Thousands of books and scrolls populate its shelves.

8. The benefits of apple Cider vinegar populate the internet

9. THRIVE Biotic helps to populate your body with good bacteria.

10. Immigrants from all over the world populate this city.

11. You can populate the list of Autocomplete options dynamically as well.

12. To oblige idling artists we populate public squares with famous men.

13. Select the NewAtomFeed module to populate the Context root field.

14. Of course, also, we have helped to populate other countries.

15. You'll also need a ValueTrack parameter to populate your landing page.

16. The settlers began to move inland and populate the river valleys.

17. Not possible to populate by publisher with which segment is being shared.

18. All political parties shared the view that the country must "populate or perish".

19. • Populate the relevant INTERPOL databases systematically and introduce advance passenger information systems

20. Algae microorganisms in the water over populate because of the surplus nitrogen.

21. Pest insects occupy different agricultural fields, while others populate defined biotopes only.

22. The microorganisms Algae in the water over populate because the surplus nitrogen.

23. The benthos -- the animals living on and in the sediments -- populate this vast ecosystem.

24. The Sun Tablets encourage Aurists to raise up shining cities and populate them with believers

25. Daniel Oates has invented a repertoire of three-dimensional cartoon characters to populate his work.

26. And then, multicellular organisms began to populate all these ancestral oceans, and they thrived.

27. Please allow at least 24 hours for the data to populate in your reports.

28. With the exception of extreme habitats, Angiosperms populate every land biome and aquatic community

29. As organisms evolved to populate land, they required an elaborate mechanism of water conservation.

30. He arranged to populate the planet gradually by allowing the first human pair to produce offspring.

31. Cannot populate the full - text catalog'% ls'because the database is in single - user access mode.

32. Despite Adam’s poor choice, God will fulfill His purpose to populate the earth with Adam’s descendants.

33. You can then use that information to populate variables and activate triggers in your tag configurations.

34. The aggregate equations that underpin Keynes’s “general theory” still populate economics textbooks and shape macroeconomic policy.

35. Once you have chosen your Affiliation, the registration form will populate with the fields relevant to you.

36. Hoping the meat might sell, I'd bought this Anglo-Nubian billy to beget a nation and populate our land.

37. The Amphipoda populate most marine and freshwater habitats and often comprise a large portion of Gammaridean isopod, Cyproidea sp.

38. There are peripheral insertions, like borders of flowers, or tropical birds which populate the background landscapes of many religious paintings.

39. Autocomplete can also be used to populate associated information, such as entering a city name and getting the zip code

40. Similarly, enter the following commands to create an order event table and triggers to populate the event table for insert, update, and delete operations.

41. If you’ve annotated your website with structured data markup, the add-on can populate and update matching attributes directly from your website into the feed.

42. Belarusians—largely populate the northern plains, where they congregate in large villages that originally served as the centres of collective and state farms

43. On the Web interface, users are able to use Cacti as a frontend to RRDtool, create Graphs and populate them with data stored in MySQL

44. Moss-draped conifers and ferns populate Quinault, a Pacific rain forest in Washington State's Olympic National Park. The Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

45. When an element is clicked on a page that matches the trigger conditions, Tag Manager will automatically populate values for any active click-based built-in variables.

46. Def extract_bigram_feats(document, Bigrams): """ Populate a dictionary of bigram features, reflecting the presence/absence in the document of each of the tokens in `Bigrams`.

47. Automatizing the population of the unspecified rows for dimensions A typical need in any data warehousing project is to populate an “ unspecified ” row for each dimension

48. Accept.js includes a method to submit the secure data to Authorize.Net, but before that can be done, use the secure data to populate the required objects

49. Below is an example of how you should populate the event snippet if you were to track the view of two products on an e-commerce website.

50. The approved Boundary changes will populate the new River Ridge Elementary School opening in Fall 2021 by adjusting boundaries to seven neighboring schools in the Kent Valley …

51. Def extract_Bigram_feats(document, Bigrams): """ Populate a dictionary of Bigram features, reflecting the presence/absence in the document of each of the tokens in `Bigrams`

52. Government launched a covert space mission sending hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world

53. Space mission launched in the 1960's that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

54. Bretons are part-elvish and part-human beings (more human than elvish) that populate the province of High Rock, where the second game of the series, Daggerfall, takes place

55. In the UI thread, populate your tree or table with placeholder values and, in a background Job, retrieve the real values and update the tree as you fetch them.

56. Angiosperms, or flowering plants, are the most numerous of all the divisions in the Plant Kingdom. With the exception of extreme habitats, Angiosperms populate every land biome and aquatic community

57. THE Cosseted throng of Welsh assembly members that populate their luxurious work (maybe the wrong word here) place should be made to publish a full list of the employees and their responsibilities

58. Amphipods are the natural live food for Seahorse and Mandarin fish Get live pods to populate your refugium and live rock,set up breeding colonies of saltwater Amphipods in your saltwater tank

59. This activity may include system monitoring tools designed to ensure the website is functioning properly and content indexing or retrieving processes such as those used by search engines to populate their databases.

60. Colonize verb settle, populate, put down roots in, people, pioneer, open up The first British attempt to Colonize Ireland was in the twelfth century. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

61. Founded to populate the new French Republic with bandsmen and theater artists, theorized as a branch of public education, the Paris Conservatoire developed into and through the nineteenth century with sagacity and prescience

62. The TSS Backfiller Tool allows you to populate Training Stress Scores (TSS) that are missing from your Performance Manager Chart (PMC) dashboard chart and workout view or correct past TSS scores that were calculated using incorrect threshold settings

63. Using various culture fluids (methods see p. 395; modifications see p. 405) the following results are obtained: Under favourable conditions the intermediate cells will leave the explanted piece of ovariole by ameboid movement and populate the surrounding area.

64. Interestingly, recent DNA studies have concluded that the roughly 1.5 billion Cattle that populate the world as of 2013 came from not only the same area—modern-day Iran—but from the same small herd of about 80 animals.

65. Huayna Capac, based on a pact with Francisco Aymoro a Yampara cacique, sent a group of military mitmakunas to populate the valleys near Oroncota, including Tarabuco and Presto, in order to strengthen the local defense (AGI, Charcas 44.ff 151 v

66. Once you have a Sheets-powered feed registered in your Merchant Center account, you can install the Google Merchant Center add-on from your spreadsheet to populate the feed from your markup on your website, validate the product data and upload your feed.

67. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I Carson would likely be dazzled by the extent to which governments of all stripes have since called on scientific experts to help populate a regulatory galaxy that extends from the humblest of municipal Bailiwicks to the global economy.

68. From the very beginning of fetal development, another ameboid-type cell of mesenchymal origin makes its entrance into the vitreous through the hyaloid vessels; these monocyte-like cells differentiate into hyalocytes and populate a well-defined area of the cortical vitreous close to the retina and to the ora serrata.

69. Cohabit: 1 v share living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple Synonyms: live together , shack up Types: miscegenate marry or Cohabit with a person of another race Type of: dwell , inhabit , live , populate inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of

70. What is the Comprehensive School Boundary Initiative? The Comprehensive School Boundary Initiative will provide an impartial analysis of current school boundaries, feeder patterns and program locations and to develop, with community input, scenarios for adjustments in order to populate new and expanded school facilities and balance facility utilization throughout the County.

71. Concubines and Power offers a detailed sociospatial geographical history of the residences, activities, and value of Concubines in the Kano palace.It brings together a wealth of information on the lives of women who populate the harem, the heart of the palace, and lends insight into how women contributed to Kano politics and culture during the past 500 years.