Use "popery" in a sentence


2. 1664-1667, Jeremy Taylor, Dissuasive from Popery Antepasts of joy and comforts 1782, John Wesley, Hymn to the Holy Ghost this antepast of heaven

3. “To Destroy Popery and Everything Appertinent Thereto”: William Chaney, the Jesuit John Bapst, and the Know-Nothings in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Maine; David Dzurec; Volume 103, Number 1, …

4. Bugbeared with popery and power despotic, Tyrannic government, and leagues exotic: The revolution's a fanatic plot, William a tyrant, Sunderland a sot: A factious army and a poisoned nation, Unjustly forced King James's abdication

5. Bugbeared with Popery and power despotic, Tyrannic government and leagues exotic: The Revolution’s a fanatic plot, William a tyrant, Sunderland a sot: A factious army and a poisoned nation: Unjustly forced King James’s abdication

6. Bugbeared with Popery and power despotic, Tyrannic goverment and leagues exotic: The Revolution's a fanatic plot, William a tyrant, Sunderland a sot: A factious army and a poisoned nation Unjustly forced King James's abdication