Use "pope" in a sentence

1. Pope Marinus could refer to: Pope Marinus I (882-884) Pope Marinus II (942-946) Pope Martin (disambiguation)

2. Pope Callixtus I (217–222) Pope Callixtus II (1119–1124) Pope Callixtus III (1455–1458) Antipope Callixtus III List of popes

3. There is no pope.

4. This Borgia pope threatens-

5. During the annual Pope Day at Newport and Boston, crowds burned the pope in effigy.

6. Pope Francis Beatifies Venezuela's Dr

7. The deposition of a pope.

8. Pope Leo gave him absolution.

9. Pope Francis Appeases China — What Would John Paul II Have Done? The former pope opposed tyranny

10. One very interesting set of resolutions is the "Daily Decalogue" of Pope John XXIII, who was Pope from 1958-1963 and was known as "The Good Pope.

11. Pope Benedict XVI Beatifies Pope John Paul II before more than 1 million faithful in St

12. Pope Francis Canonizes Six Saints

13. The Pope blessed the crowd.

14. As Pope Francis Capitulates to Chinese Regime, Its State Media Defends the Pope and Attacks American Catholics

15. Antipope definition is - one elected or claiming to be pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen.

16. The Pope Bowdlerizes the Lord’s Prayer

17. Can a pope have children, Cesare?

18. The Pope granted him an audience.

19. The Pope Anathematized the arms race.

20. -- Attar, the once and future pope

21. Is the Pope “Saint Peter’s Successor”?

22. 1503 – Pope Julius II is elected.

23. The pope is the true traitor.

24. Cardinals elect and advise the Pope.

25. The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.

26. Eisenhower introduced his entourage to the Pope.

27. Pope, leave us alone for a while.

28. Software Description: About Pope John II Tribute, Ave Maria plays softly throughout this pictorial tribute to Pope John II.

29. The Pope has Anointed him as Archbishop.

30. Pope Absolves Jews of Blame Pope Benedict XVI blames the 'Temple Aristocracy' for the crucifixion, absolving the Jews of collective guilt.

31. An Antipope is a pretender who falsely claims to be pope or who wrongly opposes the legitimate and recognized pope.

32. Antipope [Lat.,=against the pope], person elected pope whose election was declared uncanonical and in opposition to a canonically chosen pontiff

33. The alliance with the Pope was also crucial.

34. Will it be the Pope on a unicycle?


36. He was the first Cistercian to become Pope.

37. Are you saying the pope was controlling you?

38. January 2, 533: Mercurius becomes Pope John II.

39. Pope Canonizes John Henry Newman, 19th-century theologian

40. Pope Canonizes John Henry Newman, 19th-century theologian

41. In London lies a knight a Pope interred.

42. Along with Newman, Pope Francis Canonized four women

43. However, when the Pope speaks ex Cathedra, i.e

44. Does the Pope of Rome disappoint Your Highness?

45. He was granted an audience with the Pope.

46. 7 Emperor , Caliph , Pontiff , Pope Empire, Caliphate, Pontificate.

47. Clamoring multitudes demanded a view of the Pope.

48. At Fatima, Pope Francis Canonizes Francisco and Jacinta

49. Pope Francis Canonizes Junipero Serra as new saint

50. Pope seeks 'Copernican revolution' for post-COVID economy

51. Pope felt the vertebrae in his neck pop.

52. Pope Francis Canonizes Two 19th-Century Palestinian Nuns as Saints Pope declares sanctity of four 19th-century nuns, including two Arabic speakers from …

53. The whole village turned out to welcome the pope.

54. The priest was appointed the legate by the pope.

55. Pope Paschal II created him cardinal-priest of SS.

56. Alexander Pope, in his inspired “Essay on Man,” declared:

57. Don't ever go around me to The Pope again.

58. Is it a flop? Is the Pope a Catholic?

59. Famous Personage: The Duke of Edinburgh, Pope John Vl.

60. 2 Pope felt the vertebrae in his neck pop.

61. The true Pope and the Antipope both go to Rome when the Allies capture the city, each to bolster his claim to be Pope

62. An Antipope is someone who claims to be the Pope, but is not recognized as a validly elected pope by the Roman Catholic Church

63. 1215 - Pope Innocent III declares the Magna Carta invalid.

64. He promised to respect the electoral concept of the monarchy and declared his willingness to submit to the Pope, to which the Pope agreed.

65. The Basilika (ennobled 1975 by Pope Paul VI.) St

66. Pope earned his doctorate in philosophy from Seattle Pacific.

67. The pope sent a telegram of encouragement and support.

68. The title “pope” was unknown to the apostle Peter.

69. The most vocal and strident was Pope Gregory VII.

70. This view did not commend itself to the pope.

71. I served, too, at the entrance to Pope John XXIII’s death chamber in June 1963 and shortly afterward at the election of Pope Paul VI.

72. Pope Baptizes 32 babies in Sistine Chapel, marvels at quiet

73. You can't wring any more favours from a dead pope.

74. And, despite what he answered, Pope Leo gave him absolution.

75. Fausto Appetente die encyclical of pope benedict xv on st

76. He also inquired about the Pope and Church in Rome.

77. All the kings want to be crowned by the pope?

78. Pope Canonizes Spanish missionary, the first Hispanic saint with U.S

79. He accepted baptism, and became a vassal of the pope.

80. You did not speak to the Pope of my lands?