Use "pompous" in a sentence

1. Pompous idiot.

2. Pompous, inbred swine.

3. You pompous fool!

4. He seems rather pompous.

5. He's a pompous ass.

6. She found him pompous and annoying.

7. Don't be so pompous.

8. Mr Whatsisname, the pompous one.

9. 1 Milligan had a pompous, overbearing father.

10. I dislike his pompous demeanor.

11. Bombast: Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing

12. It is true, you pompous ass!

13. The document was sententious and pompous.

14. He's a pompous old fart.

15. Brag definition is - a pompous or boastful statement

16. 'He's rather pompous.' 'Isn't he just?

17. He's grown no less pompous, then?

18. The service was grand without being pompous.

19. He was very pompous at the meeting.

20. He's just full of wind, the pompous fool!

21. The pompous tone is alienating, boring, and outdated.

22. Bombast definition, speech too pompous for an occasion; pretentious words

23. Children dislike being spouted at by pompous teachers.

24. The pompous high-placed imbecile mouthing his platitudes.

25. They both had those old-fashioned slippers with pompous.

26. The prose of his official communications was so laboured, pompous and verbose.

27. 6 He appears pompous but is a good man underneath.

28. He was generally disliked and regarded as a pompous ass.

29. But don't expect much more than pompous doggerel in the words.

30. But with Candi, I'm no longer " Frasier Crane, pompous intellectual. "

31. He's a real gentleman, if a little pompous at times.

32. He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.

33. Bashaw definition: an important or pompous person Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

34. He would never understand why she had married a pompous clergyman.

35. Bloviator meaning One who habitually Bloviates; a pompous, opinionated, typically voluble commentator.

36. He can sometimes sound a bit pompous when he talks about acting.

37. It was a good idea screwed up by a pompous ass!

38. He won't let me, that pompous Portley-Rind and his gaggle of giggling sycophants.

39. He would be courageous calm and self assured, but neither pompous nor hypercritical.

40. He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.

41. Most politicans are guilty of Bloviating - as they tend to be pompous windbags.


43. Nothing could deflate his ego / pomposity , ie make him less self - assured or pompous.

44. 25 Throughout the show's history, for instance, Cleese was the very image of pompous, impatient rectitude.

45. Synonyms for Condescending include arrogant, patronising, patronizing, haughty, supercilious, superior, pompous, snooty, uppity and snobbish

46. Synonyms for Bourgie include bougie, chichi, flamboyant, affected, grandiose, swank, showy, splashy, contrived and pompous

47. I gave the pompous statuary a flick of the pink feathers as I went past.

48. Bombastic Having a pompous or inflated nature that seems unnecessary and tedious with little meaning

49. A silly or foolish person: He has been shown to be a pompous, incompetent Buffoon.

50. The general is a tall man with steel spectacles and a stiff, rather pompous manner.

51. 18 Man has developed an obvious capacity for surviving the pompous reiteration of the commonplace.

52. What does Bloviate mean? (US) To speak or discourse at length in a pompous or boastful manner

53. Bafflegab PRONUNCIATION: (BA-fuhl-gab) MEANING: noun: Obscure, pompous, or incomprehensible language, such as bureaucratic jargon

54. In the days of Frederick the Great, people still saluted with their hats, with pompous gestures.

55. Reports are commonly prosaic, dull, pompous and patronising and written with selfish disregard for the reader.

56. Your tone generally falls somewhere in this range: Pompous: Overly formal, often contains passivity and jargon.

57. GameSpot said of the music "The game sounds better, at least, thanks to some appropriately pompous Gladiator-style music."

58. Had Gabriel publicly insulted him in his cups one night in the Raven, fatally offending that pompous conceit?

59. To Bloviate means to go on and on and on and on, usually in a pompous way

60. 19 It is the absurdly pompous Pons who ostensibly pieces together the scattered evidence of Urim's past.

61. He wished me well and said he expected me to become a disgustingly enthusiastic, pompous old alumnus.

62. Antrobus, pompous and altogether Ambassadorially correct, is nevertheless very amusing - loads of spontaneous bursts of laughter as you read

63. Antrobus, pompous and altogether Ambassadorially correct, is nevertheless very amusing - loads of spontaneous bursts of laughter as you read

64. Looking at the pompous, malevolent priest in his humiliation, Jane knew he would never forget what she had done.

65. And, as far as ridiculously pompous, overblown musical statements go, no-one holds a candle to Simple Minds.

66. He gave a perfect demonstration of how egg on the face leads a pompous body still further into the mire.

67. If you use Appropriacy in your language you will sound pompous and no one will understand what you are saying.

68. Jane was cheered by his sagacity and quick eye for the ridiculous - a welcome change from pompous people like the Pyglings.

69. 12 For Branson did not appear pompous, overbearing, practised or City-Slicker smooth in the manner of other captains of industry.

70. He felt shamed and humiliated by the officious treatment he received at the hands of the pompous men at Immigration.

71. 16 And, as far as ridiculously pompous, overblown musical statements go,[] no-one holds a candle to Simple Minds.

72. Aelurophobia -( ) See ailurophobia aeolist -( ) A pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspiration aeroacrophobia -( ) See aerophobia aeromancy -( ) Divination using the air aerophobia -( ) 1

73. 9 Outwardly, the religion of Christendom may appear very beautiful, with its magnificent cathedrals, basilicas and churches, pompous processions and impressive music.

74. Dombey was rather bald, rather red, and though a handsome well-made man, too stern and pompous in appearance, to be prepossessing.

75. Life is not composed by aphorism,how can we decorate it with pompous cliches? I send you my most sincere greeting in silence.

76. 16 Life is not composed by aphorism,( can we decorate it with pompous cliches? I send you my most sincere greeting in silence.

77. Life is not composed by aphorism, how can we decorate it with pompous cliche & 1 & s? I send you my most sincere greeting in silence.

78. You can drop the fake Affront, pompous ass Heard it all before Shut the fuck up Shut the fuck up Pious lipstick smeared fundamentalism Drop the fake Affront, pompous ass Heard it all before Heard it all before Shut the fuck up Heard it all, heard it, heard it all before Shut the fuck up Heard it all, heard it Far Right

79. Bloviating = a long winded pompous discourse from someone trying to make a point. A bloviator is someone who cannot express themselves in a pithy concise manner

80. If “the wardrobe” seems too pompous for poop, you could always try dropping these words into conversation : fewmets, fewmishing, crotels, crotisings, freyn, fuants, Billetings, and spraits