Use "pollinate" in a sentence

1. Bees visit and pollinate the Agapanthus flowers.

2. Cross pollinate - 7pm Tuesdays on PBS Digital

3. To pollinate ( a flower ) by means of cross - pollination.

4. Bees and butterflies pollinate the trees in the orchard.

5. They remove dung, they pollinate our crops.

6. Valery’ will Cross pollinate with Carrot ‘Scarlet Nantes’).

7. Many garden plants need butterflies to pollinate them.

8. Wild bees will naturally then pollinate human crops.

9. Farmers will rent the bees pollinate almond and cherry trees.

10. They contract their bees out to farmers pollinate their crops.

11. Bees make honey and they pollinate the city's parks and gardens.

12. Can Two Different Types of Sweet Corn Cross pollinate?

13. Bees pollinate the flowers so the fruits or vegetables blossom each season.

14. Bees pollinate the plants by carrying the pollen from one flower to another.

15. Many kinds of plants, trees and grasses need bees to pollinate them.

16. Farmers rent the bees from bee - keepers pollinate almond and cherry trees every year.

17. It's how the earth got made, how the wind continues to pollinate.

18. Bees help pollinate more than 100 crop plants in the United States.

19. Many of the indigenous insects are needed to pollinate the local plants.

20. Second, beekeepers can carry their hives to farmers who need bees to pollinate their crops.

21. Thus, an acorn squash will Cross pollinate with a zucchini or a miniature gourd.

22. Bumblebees are familiar and much-loved insects that pollinate our crops and wildflowers

23. To ensure adequate pollination select at least three varieties that pollinate each other.

24. Honeybees are driven to pollinate, gather nectar, and condense the nectar into honey.

25. Many kinds of plants, trades trees and grasses need bees to pollinate them.

26. Flowers of A . yabeana can self - pollinate autonomously , which occurs in middle of receptive period.

27. There are a few instances where two varieties will not Cross pollinate each other

28. Thus, an acorn squash will Cross pollinate with a zucchini or a miniature gourd.

29. Bees are needed to pollinate such crops as almonds, apples, plums, cherries, and kiwis.

30. Butterflies have an intimate relationship with flowering plants, which they pollinate, and themselves derive nourishment from the nectar.

31. The famous Bramleys Seedling cooker will not pollinate others, thus two others from the same group are needed.

32. Did You Know? Most varieties of Blueberry bushes require two different varieties to properly pollinate and produce berries

33. To complete their gardening work, they also pollinate flowers while sipping the nectar they enjoy so much.

34. Besides turning floral nectar into honey, these hardworking insects also pollinate crops for farmers - for a fee.

35. Of course, not all plants pollinate by harnessing the wind —much to the relief of allergy sufferers!

36. Placing Mason Bee Cocoons near the crop you want to pollinate 2-3 weeks before bloom, can double your harvest

37. Insects pollinate them, birds and animals carry their seeds in their guts and on their fur and feathers.

38. Of those that pollinate a small percentage of tropical rain forest trees, a minority feed exclusively on floral resources.

39. Species in the genus Asterocampa are regarded as being "cheater" organisms, since these butterflies do not pollinate flowers when they feed from them.

40. The Pollinate spell cast by the Forest Swarmer inside of the Conservatory of Life in Ulduar should no longer be spell stealable.

41. Earth’s natural ability to pollinate crops, provide air conditioning by wild plants, and recycle nutrients by the oceans is being overtaxed.

42. Find 19 ways to say Cross pollinate, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

43. The hot, dry wind from the south helped the blossoms to open and pollinate. —Proverbs 25:23; Song of Solomon 4:16.

44. Although wind effectively helps to pollinate many types of trees and grasses, flowering plants that do not grow in high densities need a more efficient system.

45. The new measurement data for OOH utilizes these sources to cross-pollinate consumer movement throughout the market with their exposure to our Billboards

46. Africanized Honey Bees are the same species as the familiar European honey bees (EHB) used to produce honey and pollinate crops, but a different subspecies.

47. Cross pollinate is an opportunity for Los Angeles women to connect with one another in a supportive environment to share ideas, resources, and projects

48. A class of undergraduates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a set of robots that can water, harvest and pollinate cherry tomato plants.

49. Maxima, a grapefruit-like fruit) from Malaysia; and papeda (a sub-genus of Citrus) native to tropical Asia.Citrus is very promiscuous and will cross-pollinate with any

50. So for example a zucchini can Cross pollinate with a pumpkin, but the results of the cross pollination will not show up until the next generation

51. When western honey bees are used to pollinate alfalfa, the beekeeper stocks the field at a very high rate to maximize the number of young bees.

52. Most varieties Cross pollinate easily, but the resulting plants are not of the same variety as the parent plants, and may even be a completely different strain

53. Now, the scale of almond monoculture demands that most of our nation's bees, over 1.5 million hives of bees, be transported across the nation to pollinate this one crop.

54. Beekeepers, or apiarists, are individuals who keep bees for their honey production ability, for their ability to pollinate crops and/or in order to produce more bees in order to sell them

55. Cross pollinate was founded by Mark Youngblood with the support of many family office staff and principals who were looking for a new way to connect with their peers, while learning and building friendships

56. However, if you were to plant acorn, delicata, and crookneck squash (all of which belong to the same C.pepo species), those plants could Cross pollinate between themselves and the seeds you collect could potentially be hybrids and not true to type.

57. ‘Critics borrowed the Apian metaphor from Seneca's eighty-fourth letter to Lucilius, ‘On Gathering Ideas.’’ ‘My bees were living in the very best Apian luxury and they refused to come out of the hive to pollinate the flowers in my garden and make honey.’

58. ‘Critics borrowed the Apian metaphor from Seneca's eighty-fourth letter to Lucilius, ‘On Gathering Ideas.’’ ‘My bees were living in the very best Apian luxury and they refused to come out of the hive to pollinate the flowers in my garden and make honey.’

59. They lay their eggs in it, thinking it's a nice bit of carrion, and not realizing that there's no food for the eggs, that the eggs are going to die, but the plant, meanwhile, has benefited, because the bristles release and the flies disappear to pollinate the next flower -- fantastic.