Use "politico" in a sentence

1. In November 2013, Politico launched Politico Magazine (ISSN 2381-1595), which is published online and bimonthly in print.

2. The conversation was reported Thursday evening by Politico.


4. Bade is mostly cover tax and IRS in the Politico.

5. Slugline, by the way, picked up the Politico story from yesterday.

6. "These are not without ambition," Paul told POLITICO in an interview.

7. An bizarre individualized story of the New politico punctuation in Romania.

8. An April Politico poll found theTea Party split between Paul and Sarah Palin.

9. Take Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin's (both of Politico) recent interview with John McCain.

10. But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

11. Wednesday 16th March 2016 16:11 GMT Benr Andy Burnham is a thick, clueless, lifetime politico-twat

12. His name has also been floated as a possible chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Politico reported.

13. As Taiwan's case suggests,'vernacularism'is a complex politico - cultural discourse, particularly in the colonial context.

14. Blockades are a politico-economic form of warfare that can quite often have unexpected political results

15. La nostra azienda sons i figli di alti funzionari in provincia di Liaoning, hanno background politico.

16. (a) whether India's Look East Policy has accrued any dividends for the country at multilateral politico-strategic fronts;

17. "I think that those who try to politicize those things are just way, way, way off base," the official told Politico.

18. 5 "I think that those who try to politicize those things are just way, way, way off base," the official told Politico.

19. It is acknowledged that this problem has no force-based solution; that is, there is no reasonable alternative to its politico-diplomatic settlement.

20. Justin Amash, Tim Huelskamp and David Schweikert "the most egregious Assholes" of all the Republicans in the House, according to Politico .

21. The study leverages on frustration-aggression propositions to analyze the politico-electoral dynamics in Autocratization trends in climes where the incentives to use violence as

22. White House communications staffer Berates Politico reporter for questions on relationship with fellow journalist: Report by Mike Brest February 12, 2021 01:18 PM

23. Using data from the Center for Responsive Politics, Politico recently reported that the entertainment companies and other SOPA allies spent $280 million over 2010 and 2011 on lobbying.

24. The Appointees who spoke with Politico all had paid family leave approved for a period spanning the end of the Trump administration and the beginning of the Biden administration.

25. Quoting officials in both Democratic and Republican parties, Politico said the announcements would be made early next week when Obama would also confirm his choice of Clinton.

26. Mr. VandeHei and Mr. Harris say they know that reporters can feel pressured at times. But they said the notion of Politico as a journalistic sweatshop is pure myth.

27. The Benelux Union, also known as simply Benelux, is a politico-economic union and formal international intergovernmental cooperation of three neighboring states in western Europe: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg

28. Using the Bawku Chieftaincy Dispute as a case study, this book has shown that Chieftaincy disputes in Ghana have negative socio-politico-economic consequences on the Ghanaian society.

29. And like any well-intentioned politico, Facebook makes blunders: its members were infuriated earlier this year by changes to its policy that made public some previously private information.

30. Rachael Bade (born 19 July 1989) is an American political analyst and journalist serving as Congressional reporter for The Washington Post at Politico (a political journalism company in USA)

31. Marx, in his famous dictum from the preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Aphorised how the politico-judicial superstructure reflect the forms of social consciousness of

32. "This is a defining moment, and there is overwhelming empathy with folks who are scared to death about the direction this country is going, " Senator Saxby Chambliss, of Georgia, told Politico.

33. Studies of civilization progress and organizational change rely more and more on the systems Appeach.Systems sciences do much to render the complex dynamics of human socio-cultural and politico-economic change comprehensible.

34. One of such moves was his project to promote more tolerance for religious diversity and rein in the forces of politico-religious extremism in the kingdom, leading to the establishment of National Dialogue.

35. On the airwaves, Shapiro presents his arguments with an element of Bravado — he’s credited with coining the phrase “facts don’t care about your feelings.” POLITICO BROUGHT BEN SHAPIRO ON AS A ‘PLAYBOOK’ GUEST AUTHOR TO BRING BALANCE

36. Sabotatori è un film che parla di antifascismo non come fenomeno sociale e politico appartenente ad una Memoria Storica quasi lontana ma come strumento quotidiano di contrasto oggi a certi atteggiamenti violenti e a pratiche Antidemocratiche.

37. Sabotatori è un film che parla di antifascismo non come fenomeno sociale e politico appartenente ad una Memoria Storica quasi lontana ma come strumento quotidiano di contrasto oggi a certi atteggiamenti violenti e a pratiche Antidemocratiche.

38. Cabals and Cartels takes us through the early reform years of the 1990s, the insurgency, Gyanendra’s reign, the peace process, and finally the new federal system – with Nepal’s politico-business nexus as the thread running through it all.

39. Barrancos assinala claramente a contradicao de Eva Peron, que, por um lado, reivindicava que o lugar das mulheres era no lar, junto a seus filhos e marido, e, por outro, solicitava apoio politico para difundir o peronismo, enviando-as pelo interior da Argentina e afastando-as de suas familias.

40. Petite Bourgeoisie (French pronunciation: [pətit buʁʒwazi], literally small Bourgeoisie), also petty Bourgeoisie, is a French term (sometimes derogatory) referring to a social class composed of semi-autonomous peasantry and small-scale merchants whose politico-economic ideological stance in times of socioeconomic stability is determined by reflecting that of a haute ("high") Bourgeoisie

41. having regard to the Libreville (Gabon) Agreement of 11 January 2013 on the resolution of the politico-military crisis in the CAR, signed under the aegis of the Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), which sets out the conditions for ending the crisis in the CAR,

42. Amid today’s foreign policy challenges and the growing threat of terrorism, the Russian delegation, in the course of the current session, will follow a line toward the resolution of conflicts by politico-diplomatic means, respect for sovereignty and the right of nations to independently define their path of development and search for collective responses to global and regional challenges based on the principle of equal and indivisible security.