Use "poliomyelitis" in a sentence

1. Acute poliomyelitis


3. (adjective) Bulbar poliomyelitis.

4. Abortive poliomyelitis: The mildest form

5. Also called poliomyelitis, or polio.

6. Reported diphtheria, poliomyelitis, measles, acute hepatitis B

7. Our ailment was diagnosed as poliomyelitis, or polio.

8. Serious neurologic diseases (poliomyelitis, Parkinsonism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).

9. Paralysis of both lower limbs, sequelae of poliomyelitis.

10. ▪ A confirmed diagnosis of paralytic poliomyelitis in the past

11. X Poliomyelitis/acute flaccid paralysis X X X X

12. 395 Performance of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance and incidence of poliomyelitis, 2007

13. System of active surveillance for suspected cases of poliomyelitis (acute flaccid paralysis

14. The six are diphtheria, measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough.

15. Why are there such difficulties with poliomyelitis, as we're speaking today?

16. My mother was stricken with poliomyelitis when she was six years old.

17. Acute anterior poliomyelitis was a problem in Tunisia for many years.


19. 318 Performance of acute fl accid paralysis surveillance and incidence of poliomyelitis, 2007

20. <Protocol for the investigation of acute flaccid paralysis and suspected paralytic poliomyelitis.

21. Muscles already affected during acute poliomyelitis were affected in all patients with postpolio syndrome.

22. System of active surveillance for suspected cases of poliomyelitis (acute flaccid paralysis)

23. Tuberculosis, scarlet fever, poliomyelitis, measles and influenza have all taken their toll.

24. Poliomyelitis and polyneuritis ( neuritis of multiple nerves ) result in paralysis with muscle wasting.

25. Nonparalytic poliomyelitis : Symptoms are more severe than Abortive, but not as bad as paralytic

26. • acute flaccid paralysis (e.g., poliomyelitis-like syndrome or Guillain-Barré-like syndrome),3 or

27. It would improve the quality of the surveillance system for acute flaccid paralysis and poliomyelitis.

28. Nuclei pontis and inferior olives, unaffected in poliomyelitis, show strong alterations in S.

29. Polio, or poliomyelitis, a debilitating childhood disease, offered the prospect of similar success.

30. Oral polio vaccines cause about three cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis per million doses given.

31. 10 Objective : To observe the curative effect of quadriceps Femoris reestablishment on 392 cases of poliomyelitis.

32. Six of 16 patients (37.5%) developed paresis in muscles formerly not affected by acute poliomyelitis.

33. These six childhood diseases are measles, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and neonatal tetanus.

34. Polio, also called poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus.

35. Bulbar poliomyelitis is a serious form involving the medulla oblongata and usually becomes evident within three days

36. Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated poliomyelitis, hepatitis B (recombinant) and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine, adjuvanted

37. All acute flaccid paralysis cases < 15 years old should be investigated to rule out poliomyelitis.

38. Instead, the distribution of flaccid paralyses was similar to that also typically found in acute poliomyelitis anterior.

39. Clinical and electrodiagnostic data suggested the involvement of spinal anterior horn cells, resulting in a poliomyelitis-like syndrome.

40. Bulbar Polio is a form of Paralytic Poliomyelitis in which the brainstem gets attacked by the poliovirus

41. 28 Poliomyelitis ( or polio or infantile paralysis ) : Acute infectious viral disease that can cause flaccid paralysis of muscles.

42. • Chickenpox Diphtheria Hepatitis B Invasive Hib Disease Measles Mumps Acute Flaccid Paralysis Pertussis Poliomyelitis Rubella Congenital Rubella Syndrome Tetanus

43. The European Region, which comprises 51 member states, “has been free of indigenous poliomyelitis for over three years.”

44. 318 Performance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance and incidence of poliomyelitis, 2002–2003 – as of 27 August 2003

45. Eight potentially epidemic diseases are monitored regularly: meningitis, malaria, cholera, haemorrhagic fever, measles, acute poliomyelitis, bloody diarrhoea and tetanus.

46. 209 Updated guidelines on tuberculosis and air travel 213 Performance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance and incidence of poliomyelitis, 2008

47. Examinations were made with 27 persons being after poliomyelitis anterior by transplanting of muscles of the leg and of the arm.

48. Moreover, the successes of medical research in connection with diseases such as diphtheria and poliomyelitis must also be mentioned favorably and with gratitude.

49. Small pox and guinea worm have been eradicated and there is hope that poliomyelitis will be contained in the near future.

50. It develops after birth in poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, hereditary neuropathies and muscular dystrophies or before birth in spina bifida, spinal agenesis and arthrogryposis.

51. It is referred to electroencephalographic findings during the acute phase, the convalescence and later of anterior Poliomyelitis seen in 29 children 1960–1963.

52. I had been a full-time minister for six years and married for six months when I was suddenly stricken with poliomyelitis.

53. Bulbar poliomyelitis results from viral attack on the medulla (bulb of the brain) or higher brain centers, with respiratory, vasomotor, facial, palatal, or pharyngeal disturbances

54. 23 An acute outbreak of poliomyelitis is occurring in the Republic of Congo, with 120 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 58 deaths.

55. HEXAVAC suspension for injection in pre-filled syringe Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated poliomyelitis, hepatitis B (recombinant) and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine, adjuvanted

56. Acupunctuate acupuncture acute acute abdomen acute accent acute angle acute anterior poliomyelitis acute bronchitis acute coryza acute course acute cystitis acupuncture in Persian English-Persian dictionary

57. In our patients flaccid paralysis with progressive muscular dystrophy developed not sooner than 45 years and not later than 49 years after an attack of acute poliomyelitis anterior.

58. 17 184 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 85 deaths have been reported from the site of the acute poliomyelitis outbreak centred in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo.

59. ‘Atonic and tonic seizures are characterized by a sudden change in muscle tone.’ ‘In Poliomyelitis the greatest possible care must be taken to prevent bruising Atonic muscle fibers.’ Word of the day

60. However, some foodborne infections can cause severe or chronic enteritis (e.g. shigellosis, typhoid fever, amebic dysentery, helminth infections), or diseases of other organ systems (e.g. hepatitis A, poliomyelitis, tissue parasitoses).

61. Bulbar poliomyelitis results from paralysis of muscle groups innervated by the cranial nerves, especially those of the soft palate and pharynx, which may present as dysphagia, nasal speech, and sometimes dyspnea

62. Six cases of WNV-associated AFP are described in which clinical and electrophysiologic findings suggest a pathologic process involving anterior horn cells and motor axons similar to that seen in acute poliomyelitis.

63. ‘Atonic and tonic seizures are characterized by a sudden change in muscle tone.’ ‘In Poliomyelitis the greatest possible care must be taken to prevent bruising Atonic muscle fibers.’ Word of the day

64. Further on there is discussed the acute paralysis of the stomach respectively the enteromegal syndrom following central innervation disorders or spinal irritation height d8–d12 and 11–12 in hematomyelia, vertebral caries and-fracture, kyphoscoliosis, poliomyelitis anterior or as the viscero-visceral reflex.

65. When the first dose of Ambirix was administered concomitantly with a booster dose of a combined diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, inactivated poliomyelitis and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (DTPa-IPV/Hib) or with the first dose of a combined Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine in the second year of life, immune responses to all antigens were satisfactory

66. BCG – Bacillus Calmette Guérin; Chol-Ecol-O – cholera-E.coli-oral; DTaP-IPV-Hib – diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, acellular pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b, pediatric formulation; HA – hepatitis A; HB – hepatitis B; Inf – influenza; IPV – inactivated poliomyelitis virus; JE – Japanese encephalitis; Men – meningococcus; MMR – measles, mumps, rubella; Pneu – pneumococcus; Rab – rabies; TBE – tickborne encephalitis; Tdap – tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, acellular pertussis, adult formulation; Typh-I – typhoid-injection; Typh-O – typhoid-oral; Var – varicella; YF – yellow fever Adjuvant: