Use "polarize" in a sentence

1. 2 Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.

2. Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion in Britain.

3. The budget debate has served to polarize the country.

4. As you run the correct frequencies for your gender, you will properly polarize.

5. But using optical equipment that can polarize light , those scales appear bright blue.

6. Photons penetrating into a dielectric polarize it and , in turn , are partially canceled out.

7. Rather than polarize with partners figure out how you can find the fertile ground of compromise -.

8. We recommend not crossing the legs so that the energy may correctly polarize in the field.

9. Anodes are a component of batteries and of electrically-charged tanks that are used to polarize or

10. In this experiment substance is released from micropipette that makes the neutrophils polarize and move towards that location.

11. We think that languages – for whatever reasons – polarize a lot and with a 'one size fits all' approach you always lock out millions of developers.

12. The power of their personal perception and strategic arguments helps to persuade others to categorize and polarize blacks as worthy of Apartheids systematic exclusion

13. Crystallite, any of a type of microscopic body occurring in such glassy igneous rocks as obsidian and pitchstone. Crystallites are regarded as incipient or embryonic crystals, though they often have no recognizable crystallographic form and are too small to polarize light.