Use "poitiers" in a sentence

1. Matthieu Amigou(BLOIS) était étudiant chez Université Poitiers Poitiers en 2009

2. This one I trussed up during a skirmish we had in Poitiers.

3. By 1419, Charles had established his own court in Bourges and a Parlement in Poitiers.

4. Itinerario: Madrid-Bayona-Burdeos-Angulema-Poitiers-Tours-Blois-Orleans-Paris-Calais-Dowres-Cantorberi-Londres-Windsor-Oxford-Bristol-Bath-Salysbury

5. The title “Duke of Aquitaine” was held by the counts of Poitiers from the 10th to the 12th century

6. Eleanor of Aquitaine was born about 1122, the daughter and heiress of William X, duke of Aquitaine and count of Poitiers

7. Longchamp died in January 1197, at Poitiers, while on a diplomatic mission to Rome for Richard, and was buried at the abbey of Le Pin.

8. 13 Fought somewhere, now precisely unknown, between Tours and Poitiers, an army of Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel defeated the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate.

9. A fantastic creature that is the symbol of the Ordre du Vénéré Bitard, a student association of University of Poitiers in France, created during the 1920s

10. The Bitard is a fabulous animal that is the symbol of the ordre du Vénéré Bitard, a student association of University of Poitiers (France) created in the 1920s

11. Aquitaine remained in the hands of the kings of West Francia, and was generally governed directly by them, except for the period between 852-866, when Ranulph I of Poitiers was appointed duke of Aquitaine

12. Eleanor of Aquitaine is known for: serving as Queen of England, Queen of France, and Duchess of Aquitaine; also known for conflicts with her husbands, Louis VII of France and Henry II of England; credited with holding a "court of love" in Poitiers

13. The Bitard is a fabulous animal.It is the symbol of the Ordre du Vénéré Bitard (Loué Soit-Il !) or Order of the Venerated Bitard (May He be Blessed!), a student association of University of Poitiers (France) created in the 1920s

14. A particularly disturbing case is that of Jean-François Chazerans, a philosophy professor at an institute in Poitiers and leftist activist who has been suspended for four months and accused of terrorism advocacy after several parents of students accused him of “disrupting the moment of silence” and “making inappropriate comments in class”, which the professor adamantly denies.

15. When he was about 23, he began to study law at Poitiers, but the lure of poetry was stronger and Du Bellay soon left for Paris to study along with Pierre Ronsard and Jean Antoine de Baïf under the great Jean Dorat, who taught Latin and Greek literature at the Collège de Coqueret.