Use "plo" in a sentence

1. PLO leader Erekat undergoes Bronchostomy after contracting virus

2. The United States does not recognize the PLO.

3. The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO.

4. In any case, the PLO " does not represent a majority ".

5. His clandestine meetings with PLO officials had been secretly recorded.

6. The PLO soon resumed its policy of attacks against Israel.

7. PLO cross-border raids against Israel grew during the late 1970s.

8. PLO ( Palestinian Liberation Organization ) delegation is to visit China next month.

9. He was named PLO leader in 1968 and remained so until his death.

10. The PLO also recognized Israel's right to exist and pledged an end to terrorism.

11. Yasser Arafat, chairman of the PLO , addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations.

12. Because of Lebanon's weak central government, the PLO was able to operate virtually as an independent state.

13. Backing of the PLO stemmed more from long - held designs on Jordan than political affinity with Palestinians.

14. The first troops of a multinational force landed in Beirut on 21 August 1982 to oversee the PLO withdrawal from Lebanon and U.S. mediation resulted in the evacuation of Syrian troops and PLO fighters from Beirut.

15. Zuheir Mohsen, head of PLO military operations, was gunned down in Cannes, France, just after leaving a casino.

16. The PLO established a Palestinian National Council and a government in exile, both representing the Palestinian people worldwide.

17. Represented at the U. N. by the Palestine Liberation Organization, or PLO, Palestinians currently possess "Observer Organization" status.

18. All economic and technological aid to the Communist Bloc , including the PLO, will be terminated immediately.

19. Arafat was reluctant to respond with force, but many other Fatah and PLO members felt otherwise.

20. Likewise, Adi Gallia's fighter has the same pattern as Plo Koon's starfighter, seen in earlier episodes.

21. It sparked international outrage for Israel's actions, particularly because the PLO had already been removed from Lebanon.

22. The city was used as a base by the PLO and was nearly destroyed by Israeli artillery.

23. Shayetet 13 naval commandos and Sayeret Tzanhanim paratroopers also raided PLO arms-manufacturing facilities and fuel dumps.

24. During the 1991 Gulf War, the PLO supported Saddam Hussein and Iraqi Scud missile attacks against Israel.

25. Following the Six-Day War, the PLO moved to Jordan, but later relocated to Lebanon after Black September in 1971.

26. Secret negotiations with Yasser Arafat's PLO organization led to the Oslo Accords, which won Peres, Rabin and Arafat the Nobel Peace Prize.

27. The Palestinian National Charter of the PLO defines the boundaries of Palestine as the whole remaining territory of the mandate, including Israel.

28. The senior PLO official argued that the Palestinians are more positive than the Jordanians on the concept of Confederative ties

29. This caused discontent among several of the PLO factions; the PFLP, DFLP and other parties formed a breakaway organization, the Rejectionist Front.

30. In return for an exchange of the political status of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO would stop terrorist attacks on German soil.

31. Q: A senior official of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) recently said that Palestine would insist on heading for the UN to seek membership.

32. Ahmad Qurei , chief Palestinian negotiator : " This ( demand ) is absolutely refused . " Saeb Erekat , head of the PLO Negotiations Department : " The Palestinians will never acknowledge Israel ' s Jewish identity .

33. As envisioned in the Oslo Accords, Israel allowed the PLO to establish interim administrative institutions in the Palestinian territories, which came in the form of the PNA.

34. We calculate that the Zionists desire (a) the “Quislingization” of Arafat and (b) the conversion of the PLO into the equivalent of the Collaborationist Guarde Mobile of Nazi-occupied France

35. The Oslo Accords created a Palestinian Authority tasked with limited self-governance of parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip; and acknowledged the PLO as Israel's partner in permanent-status negotiations about remaining questions.

36. ( 1 ) Fifteen years after Oslo supposedly ended the state of war , four years after Mahmoud Abbas took over and supposedly improved on Arafat ' s abysmal record , the PLO publicly maintains it remains at war with Israel .

37. In the following years leading up to the Yom Kippur War, the IDF fought in the War of Attrition against Egypt in the Sinai and a border war against the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Jordan, culminating in the Battle of Karameh.

38. The plaintiffs allege , in the words of U . S . District Judge George Daniels , that the PLO did so " intending to terrorize , intimidate , and coerce the civilian population of Israel into acquiescing to defendants ' political goals and demands , and to influence the policy of the United States and Israeli governments in favor of accepting defendants ' political goals and demands . "