Use "pleura parietal" in a sentence

1. 1 Methods The morphosis of the mesothelium of the parietal pleura in rat were investigated by intrapleura injection with tracers and observed by scanning electron microscope.

2. Parietal Bossing is a marked prominence in the parietal region

3. Blebs: Effectively “blisters” that occur within layers of the visceral pleura, rather than within lung parenchyma itself

4. Whenever the chest wall moves , such as with breathing in and out , coughing or sneezing , the pleura moves and pain is felt in the outer layer of the pleura .

5. The Cranium includes the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones.

6. Trauma to the right parieto-occipital sulcus and parietal lobe.

7. A Bulla on the pleura (the membrane covering the lung) is also called a bleb

8. Several areas of the parietal lobe are important in language processing.

9. Synapomorphies of the family include a y-shaped parietal roof with large median crest; parietal foramen in the frontal bone (not known in Laemanctus), and Basiliscine-type caudal vertebrae

10. Lung Blebs, air-filled cysts that form on the lung pleura, tend to be asymptomatic

11. Their parietal plates, under the right circumstances, adapt to the shape of the underlying surface.

12. The best known of his works were those on aphasia and the parietal lobes.

13. Would you have any objection to my running my finger along your parietal fissure?

14. Up to 10% cash back  · Antidromal and synaptic responses were demonstrated in the same parietal cortex neurons, demonstrating a double connection between the intrinsic nuclei of the pons and the associated parietal cortex

15. ‘Emphysematous Blebs may be a source of diagnostic confusion.’ ‘The surgeon can thoracoscopically visualize the full pleura, staple or resect Blebs, apply electrocautery, laser, resect pleura or instill sclerosant (usually talc).’ ‘Peripheral pulmonary Blebs may occur when the regulated process of lung growth is altered.’

16. Ojemann GA, Fedio P, Van Buren JM: Anomia from pulvinar and subcortical parietal stimulation

17. Fifteen HIV positive patients were examined in parietal white matter by localized1H MR spectroscopy.

18. The endoscopic aspect of pleura is either normal (30%) or shows adhesions (23.5%), blebs (17%) or Bullaes (29.5%)

19. Radiologic findings included multiple bilateral cystic lesions in the mediastinum, hili, pleura and pericardium, along the lymphatic vessels.

20. " The damage to the right parietal bone demonstrates the assailant had extraordinary upper body strength. "

21. Acalculia is an acquired disorder in calculation abilities, usually associated with left posterior parietal damage

22. Acalculia is an acquired disorder in calculation abilities, usually associated with left posterior parietal damage

23. Pleurisy develops when the pleural lining of the chest cavity or the pleura surrounding the lungs becomes inflamed.

24. The parietal fenestrae, two holes in the frill, are also very small and are positioned toward the back.

25. The cerebral Cortex consists of four lobes; frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe

26. Coronal suture definition is - a suture extending across the skull between the parietal and frontal bones.

27. Lung Blebs can also rupture the visceral pleura, which causes air to escape into the chest cavity or pleural space

28. Sometimes , after the inflammation subsides , strands of fibrous tissue may form in the pleura which makes the 2 layers stick together .

29. Atlases were created for the lateral parietal cortex, temporoparietal junction area, dorsal frontal cortex and ventral frontal cortex

30. Amygdala receives sensory information through the hippocampus from polimodal areas of the temporal and parietal cortex, extracts memories

31. Acid is pumped into the stomach by a specific enzyme (‘the proton pump’) inside the parietal cells along the stomach’s wall.

32. In this paper, we present an 8-year-old normolipidemic male child with a parietal bone xanthoma proved using tissue diagnosis.

33. The parietal bones fit between the frontal, the supraoccipital, the squamosal, and the lateral margin of the Alisphenoid

34. Biphasic cell pleural mesothelioma is an asbestos-related cancer that forms on the pleura — the membranes lining the chest cavity and surrounding the lungs

35. The most frequent lesions yielding Acalculia involve the left inferior parietal area or the left parieto-occipito-temporal junction

36. When the vein is visualized by sonography in the long axis the accompanying artery and the pleura remain outside the ultrasound plane.

37. Agnosia is typically caused by damage to the brain (most commonly in the occipital or parietal lobes) or from a neurological disorder.

38. Pleuropulmonary Blastomas form in the tissue of the lung and pleura (tissue that covers the lungs and lines the inside of the chest)

39. Brachycephaly refers to a calvarial shape where the bi-parietal diameter to fronto-occipital diameter approaches the 95th percentile

40. The Cranium of a newborn consists of five main bones: two frontal bones, two parietal bones, and one occipital bone

41. Brachycephaly refers to a calvarial shape where the bi-parietal diameter to fronto-occipital diameter approaches the 95 th percentile

42. EYEHAND researchers also focused on the role of the superior parietal occipital cortex and medial intraparietal sulcus during manual interception.

43. These sections or Brain lobes are called the Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, the Cerebellum, and the Brain Stem

44. The Anterolateral abdominal wall consists of four main layers (external to internal): skin, superficial fascia, muscles and associated fascia, and parietal peritoneum

45. The somewhat upward tilted frill of Pentaceratops is considerably longer than that of Triceratops, with two large holes (parietal fenestrae) in it.

46. Pleuropulmonary Blastomas (PPBs) form in the tissue of the lung and pleura (tissue that covers the lungs and lines the inside of the chest)

47. Neuropsychological studies of number processing indicated that this representation is distributed in the two hemispheres and its dominant site points to inferior parietal cortex.

48. Pleuropulmonary Blastoma is a type of childhood lung cancer that forms in the tissues of the lung and pleura or the organs between the lungs

49. Key Points Pleuropulmonary Blastoma is a type of childhood lung cancer that forms in the tissues of the lung and pleura or the organs between the lungs

50. Further findings were large adhesions between the epiploic appendices of the sigmoid and the parietal peritoneum and atypical cells in the peritoneal washings.

51. MR images show a mild degree of cerebral atrophy, as slight widening of the hemispheric sulci, prominent in the parietal and perisylvian regions.

52. The Bregma is the midline bony landmark where the coronal and sagittal sutures meet, between the frontal and two parietal bones

53. It means inflammation of the pleura - the thin , 2-layer protective membrane that covers the lungs and also lines the inside of the chest wall .

54. The main symptom is intracranial leptomeningeal angiomatosis which mostly affects the occipital and posterior parietal lobes and can occur unilaterally and also bilaterally.

55. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor which reduces both basal and stimulated gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the parietal cell enzyme H+-K+-adenosine triphosphatase.

56. Efferent neurons of the parietal cortex were identified by Antidromal activation on stimulation of the intrinsic nuclei of the pons and motor cortex.

57. Agopton and associated names (lansoprazole) is a proton-pump inhibitor, which inhibits gastric acid secretion and therefore reduces the acid secretion of parietal cells

58. Columnar epithelia located within 1.0and >1.0mm from the SCJ were evaluated for (among other things) the type of glandular epithelium (“pure mucous glands—mucous cells only,” “pure oxyntic-type glands—mixture of parietal and/or chief cells,” and “mixed mucous/oxyntic glands—mixture of mucous cells and parietal and/or chief cells”), severity and type of

59. Most of the outer surface of Bullae is made of visceral pleura while the inner layer consists of fibrous tissue formed mainly by the destroyed adjacent lung.

60. Pleuropulmonary Blastoma (PPB) is a rare childhood cancer occurring in the chest, specifically in the lungs or in the coverings of the lungs called "pleura"

61. Acalculia ( uncountable ) ( pathology) The condition of lacking basic mathematical skills caused by a brain injury, or more specifically an injury to the parietal lobe

62. Carotid angiography was done during the thirteenth hour of status epilepticus and showed marked vasodilatation, an abnormal venous flow pattern, and a parietal gyral stain.

63. Specifically, in autistic Brains there is significantly more folding in the left parietal and temporal lobes as well as in the right frontal and temporal regions

64. Benzonatate is a synthetic butylamino-benzoate derivative related to tetracaine and a peripherally acting antitussive, nonnarcotic Benzonatate reduces the cough reflex by Anesthetizing and depressing mechanoreceptors in the respiratory passages, lungs, and pleura

65. The Cingulum bundle is a prominent white matter tract that interconnects frontal, parietal, and medial temporal sites, while also linking subcortical nuclei to the cingulate gyrus

66. Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) follows a pattern: in men thinning of temples and vertex up to total baldness; in women thinning of the midline or parietal area.

67. Figure Axial non contrast CT demonstrates symmetric low attenuation in the temporal-parietal white matter. Note involvement of the splenium of the corpus callosum (red arrows).

68. In Agnosis, brain lesions develop due to neurological ailments or brain injury mainly in the occipital, temporal, or parietal lobe of the ventral stem of the brain

69. In cases of left inferior parietal lesion, Acalculia is frequently associated with agraphia, finger agnosia, and left–right confusion in a tetrad of deficits called Gerstmann’s syndrome.

70. A pulmonary Bleb is a small collection of air between the lung and the outer surface of the lung (visceral pleura) usually found in the upper lobe of the lung

71. Credit: Marcia Williams A pulmonary Bleb is a small collection of air between the lung and the outer surface of the lung (visceral pleura) usually found in the upper lobe of the lung

72. Slide 3-1 This is a case of a child with tinea favus. The lesions on the bilateral parietal temple are the concave sulfur-yellow crusts with a distinctive mousy odor.

73. The Msx2 gene associated with hair follicle maintenance is also linked to the closure of the parietal eye in mammals, indicating that fur and lack of pineal eye is linked.

74. The carpellary dorsal bundles, placental bundles and the parietal bundles of the outside vascular bundle of ovary wall could be easily recognized on the base and throughout the locular region.

75. Azulejo de tapete : Azulejos em grande número, em revestimento parietal, que pela multiplicação de determinados modelos resulta num padrão polícromo.

76. The Arcuate fasciculus is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the temporal and parietal lobes of the brain, known as the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), to the frontal lobe

77. The mitral valve and the angular and parietal leaflet of the tricuspid valve show a negative allometry or slower growth rate than body or heart, whereas the septal leaflet grows isometrically.

78. Mapping Domain-Selective and Counterpointed Domain-General Higher Cognitive Functions in the Lateral Parietal Cortex: Evidence from fMRI Comparisons of Difficulty-Varying Semantic Versus Visuo-Spatial Tasks, and Functional Connectivity Analyses

79. Afferents from this longitudinal strip on the superior temporal gyrus diverge to a wide variety of other cortical processing areas, including Wernicke’s area in the parietal lobe where speech is processed

80. Anatomically modern humans have relatively gracile skeletons and teeth, with crania exhibiting characteristic traits such as a vertical forehead, expanded parietal bones, a nonprojecting face, and the presence of a chin