Use "plenary" in a sentence

1. On June 27, the programme includes the Summit Opening Plenary followed by other plenary sessions, a G20 Family Photograph, a leaders' working lunch, and finally the concluding Final Plenary in the afternoon.

2. Venue: Plenary Hangar, Lawns, Hotel Leela

3. The conference ended with a plenary debate.

4. The conference included small-group and plenary sessions.

5. The party held a plenary session in April.

6. 23 The conference included small-group and plenary sessions.

7. The Council has plenary powers to administer the agreement.

8. The Council has plenary powers to administer the Agreement.

9. The resolution was carried at the previous plenary session.

10. The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.

11. I'll be at the plenary session of the conference.

12. High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly (4th meeting)

13. The new committee holds its first plenary session this week.

14. The Summit will have a Plenary Session on the 20th in the afternoon.

15. He was given plenary powers to negotiate with the rebels.

16. The conference will combine plenary addresses with specialist seminars and workshops.

17. The plenary sessions on Friday and Saturday were less well received.

18. PLENARY 2 - Luncheon Address "Canada in a Changing Trade Environment" Speaker:

19. The envoy was given plenary powers to negotiate with the rebels.

20. A discussion followed in the plenary session in relation to the two language schedules.

21. But it gave an added attraction to the plenary session anyway.

22. Compere: You are the a few th attend Internet plenary meeting.

23. The Summit deliberations have continued after the plenary session on national actions.

24. Even certain positive aspects that it addressed were voted down in plenary.

25. Adopted at the 3rd plenary meeting, on 9 September 2002, by consensus

26. The next day, on April 1st, there would be three plenary sessions. At the first plenary session, there would be a focus on national actions to enhance nuclear security.

27. (r) The Plenary reviews [and may accept the report and approve] the summary for policymakers.

28. Plenary sessions involving all four parties were planned for the following week.

29. There'll be another plenary at the end of the afternoon after the workshop.

30. Itis during the plenary sessions that opinions and collective decisions are voted on.

31. Each committee reports on its deliberations to plenary sessions of the chamber to which it belongs.

32. Plenary Session E - Paths to solutions for full access to high-quality justice!

33. Elements for Export Controls of man-portable air defence systems, Wassenaar Arrangement plenary

34. Media attending Plenary Sessionwill be allowed to leave Durban Hall only after Press interaction).

35. The task force on capacity-building addresses the prioritized capacity-building needs as agreed by the Plenary

36. I have therefore tabled amendments for the plenary which address both of these issues.

37. The conference took place from 10 September–15 December 1979 with 47 plenary sessions.

38. (c) to prepare documents and provide administrative support for Plenary and working group meetings;

39. Parties' positions are usually determined beforehand within their working groups or in plenary sessions.

40. What follows is a summary of the key themes which emerged from the plenary session.

41. (Foreign Official Media Group 1 will reach at Plenary Hangar of BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit)

42. This dialogue ranges from addressing plenary sessions to briefings for committees and individual Members of Parliament.

43. (r) The Plenary reviews and may accept the report and approve the summary for policymakers.

44. Mr Prodi confirmed this positive step when he addressed the ESC's October 1999 plenary session.

45. In addition, he was also plenary speaker at the International Conference on Differential Geometry in 2011.

46. At its # th plenary meeting of the session, the Council adopted the draft decision by consensus

47. On June 21 the plenary conference was suspended ahead of three weeks of committee-level meetings.

48. The Plenary at it sixth session reviews and accepts the report and approves the summary for policymakers

49. The Plenary reviews and accepts the report and approves the summary for policymakers (starting after 8 February)

50. th plenary meeting Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization ( # and # orr

51. How to get a badge to access the plenary room (Assembly Hall) and to room XX?

52. The first summit was organized in six plenary sessions lasting for one and a half days.

53. Company component, amalgamative, disband etc great and decision - making must approve via worker shareholder plenary meeting.

54. Summary sections of reports accepted by the platform plenary will comprise the global and sub‐global summaries for decision makers.

55. The Plenary reviews and accepts the report and approves the summary for policymakers (starting after February 8)

56. unanimously adopted the following opinion at its #th plenary session, held on # and # April # (meeting of # April

57. The Working Group adopted its report ad referendum at its twentieth plenary meeting, on 23 September 2005.

58. The Board in its plenary session may invite observers to attend its meetings on an ad hoc basis.

59. Plenary sittings are now very rare, and the court mostly sits in chambers of three or five judges.

60. It is decided that their proposal will be put before the first plenary session of the congress.

61. Introductory keynote addresses on space-based information in support of disaster management and 40 plenary presentations were given.

62. Statements made in the plenary and the multi‐stakeholder partnership dialogues will be interpreted in the official languages.

63. The Commission indicated in the course of the debate in plenary session that it could accept these amendments

64. Article 104: The Council of Minister shall meet every week inn plenary session or in a working session.

65. The commerce power invoked here by the Congress is a specific and plenary one authorized by the Constitution itself.

66. The Plenary reviews and accepts the report and approves the summary for policymakers (starting after 8 February 2015)

67. The Plenary at its seventh session to approve/accept the summary for policymakers and the technical report respectively

68. With the exception of one issue relating to Decision Making, this text was adopted ad referendum by Plenary

69. The Commission indicated in the course of the debate in plenary session that it could accept these amendments.

70. The report described her as an engaging contributor to debates in plenary who was active in the committees.

71. Now, in an adjoining room, the staff members who would be present at the plenary session had assembled.

72. Celebrate the opening of 30 th anniversary of Third Plenary Session of the 11 th General Assembly ceremoniously.

73. 5 Now, in an adjoining room, the staff members who would be present at the plenary session had assembled.

74. The Plenary reviews and accepts the report and reviews and approves the summary for policymakers during its fourth session

75. Tomorrow, the plenary session can simply end the conflict by accepting the compromise that was reached with the Council.

76. All are located in close proximity to one another, providing scope for multiple syndicate as well as plenary sessions.

77. All are located in close proximity to one another,(Sentencedict) providing scope for multiple syndicate as well as plenary sessions.

78. 19 All are located in close proximity to one another,( providing scope for multiple syndicate as well as plenary sessions.

79. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Communist Party Conference in December 1978, the notions of class struggle and continuous revolution were abandoned.

80. The organization addressed the plenary session of Research to Action on reducing unsafe abortion in sub-Saharan Africa, Addis Ababa, March 2006.