Use "pleiades" in a sentence

1. Thou hast set the Pleiades

2. Possibly the Pleiades stars in the Taurus constellation.

3. Alcyon Pleiades 25-1: Cunning and lies, false flag attacks, economic bankruptcy

4. Clockwise from top left: Whirlpool galaxy, Pleiades star cluster, Orion Nebula, Andromeda galaxy

5. Alcyon Pleiades 38-2: Unexplained assassinations, the Kennedys, Evita, Princess Diana, Grace Kelly

6. Some deep-sky objects, such as the Pleiades, can also be occulted by the Moon.

7. Alcyon Pleiades 39-1: 2016, 666 and the NWO, new religion of satanic worship and Queen Elizabeth II

8. Alcyon Pleiades 23-2: Elite on display: Corruption, Ebola scam, Mexican revolts and the rise of BRICs.

9. Alcyon Pleiades 38-1ª: Satanism, global dictatorship, crisis in Spain & Latin America, Trump, Brexit.

10. Alcyon Pleiades 24: Changing of our DNA, at the doors of a global economic and governmental Crash

11. Arcturus (2 Occurrences) Job 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south

12. 1 By the Achronical rising of the Pleiades is meant the rising of this constellation, or its first becoming visible, after sun-set

13. Atlas also fathered the nymph Calypso and Maia who was one of the Pleiades and mother of the messenger God Hermes.

14. Achernar is a blue-white star that is larger, brighter, and hotter than Sirius A, like six of the brightest stars of the Pleiades Cluster at left

15. I see Orion and the Pleiades, Ursa Major and Corona Borealis, and think I should be inspired by the realization that I'm not only looking at the stars, but staring into the past as well.

16. Aphides •Andes •Hades, Mercedes •Archimedes • Thucydides • Aphides •Eumenides, Parmenides•Maimonides, Simonides •Euripides • cantharides • Hesperides •Hebrides •Aristides, bona fides•Culdees •Alcibiades, Hyades, Pleiades•Cyclades • antipodes • Sporades •Ganges • Apelles •tales, Thales•Achilles, Antilles •Los Angeles • Ramillies • Pericles

17. During 1977 to 1979, before moving from Venezuela to Puerto Rico, Ramon Rosa Alvarado had a series of unique experiences as an observer in a local Venezuelan UFO Group which was being contacted by UFOnauts who told the local Contactee there that they came from the PLEIADES