Use "platen" in a sentence

1. The workholder assemblies can be moved away from the platen surface to change platen abrasive disks.

2. For centuries the flatbed platen printing press invented by Johannes Gutenberg about 1450 changed little.

3. The platen is moved where the disk abrasive surface contacts the workpieces that are attached to the workpiece spindles.

4. For example, for many years we had an old platen press that we affectionately called Sarah, after Abraham’s wife.

5. The guide means has an elongated slot or window for access to the platen by the print wires.

6. An array of punch indenters can be attached to a loading platen such that the each indenter is aligned to a gel substrate.

7. Flexible abrasive disks are attached to the annular abrading surface of a rotary platen that is positioned to be concentric with the three spaced workpiece spindles.

8. Abraham Andreas Brinck MyHeritage släktträd Odemark in von Platen Web Site, administrerad av Kristina Ödemark von Platen (Kontakt) Födelse: 1664 - Österplana / R Död: 1713 - Varnhem / R Föräldrar: Anders/andreas Svensson/svenonius Brinck, Sigrid Brinck (född Johannesdotter Lechander) Syskon: Gunnur Brinck, Maria Brinck, Anders Brinck, Christina ?

9. In making any Broaching set-up, check the alignment of the puller and guide bars(if used) with the centerline of the face-plate or platen before mounting the fixture

10. 80 Operates an electric Addressograph machine to reproduce addresses for insertion in plates or for a card file - by positioning cards and embossed plates in the machine, checking platen and ribbon adjustment and moving the lever to start the machine, - by monitoring automatic operation of the machine to ensure proper feeding and clear impressions, and - by removing cards, cutting them to the

11. 80 Operates an electric Addressograph machine to reproduce addresses for insertion in plates or for a card file - by positioning cards and embossed plates in the machine, checking platen and ribbon adjustment and moving the lever to start the machine, - by monitoring automatic operation of the machine to ensure proper feeding and clear impressions, and - by removing cards, cutting them to the

12. 80 Operates an electric addressograph machine to reproduce addresses for insertion in plates or for a card file - by positioning cards and embossed plates in the machine, checking platen and ribbon adjustment and moving the lever to start the machine, - by monitoring automatic operation of the machine to ensure proper feeding and clear impressions, and - by removing cards, cutting them to the proper size, and inserting them into addressograph plates for easy reference or referring them for filing.