Use "plastid" in a sentence

1. Proteoplast A colorless plastid ( leucoplast ) that stores protein.

2. Amyloplast A plastid that synthesizes and stores starch grains.

3. Note: The fluorescence intensities of plastid nucleoids are expressed by their mean values.

4. Chloroplast is the combination of two biological terms, plastid (an …

5. Key words: Annulate lamellae, centrosome, Lycopodium, microtubule organizing center, monoplastidy, plastid dividing ring

6. Effects of different sun - shading treatments plastid pigment on flue - cured tobacco were researched.

7. The DNA Barcode Plant Barcoding studies use one or a few plastid regions (e.g

8. Chloroplast a type of PLASTID containing CHLOROPHYLL found within the cells of plant leaves and stems

9. Consistent with this model, 00:13:22.13 the organelle that we now know as the Apicomplexa plastid,

10. Photosynthesis evolved in eukaryotes by the endosymbiosis of a Cyanobacterium, the future plastid, within a heterotrophic host

11. Phylogenetic analyses support the description of Chromera velia as an Alveolate, possessing a photosynthetic plastid that lies in the same secondary endosymbiotic lineage as …

12. Definition of Chloroplast : a plastid that contains chlorophyll and is the site of photosynthesis — see cell illustration Other Words from Chloroplast Example Sentences Learn More about Chloroplast Other …

13. In 2014, evidence of possible plastid genome loss was found in Rafflesia lagascae, a non-photosynthetic parasitic flowering plant, and in Polytomella, a genus of non-photosynthetic green algae.

14. The Apicomplexa (also called Apicomplexia) are a large phylum of parasitic protists.Most of them possess a unique form of organelle that comprises a type of plastid called an apicoplast, and an apical complex structure

15. This unusual partnership between a Cyanobacterium and a unicellular alga is a model for symbiosis and is analogous to plastid and organismal evolution, and if calcifying, may have important implications for past and present oceanic N2 fixation

16. Chloroplasts are a type of plastid—a round, oval, or disk-shaped body that is involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs. Chloroplasts are distinguished from other types of plastids by their green colour, which results from the …

17. The absence of the backward-reaction under the given experimental conditions is a consequence of a closure of the stomata, which begins during the strong illumination and continues in the succeeding dark period; it is therefore a consequence of anaerobiosis in the plastid-containing cells.