Use "pistil" in a sentence

1. When the pistil carries only one Carpel, it is said to be a simple pistil, and when the pistil carries two or more, the pistil is said to be a compound

2. Pistil, stamen, ovule, pollen!

3. One or more Carpels make up the pistil

4. The term pistil or compound pistil is also used to mean one or many carpels respectively.

5. There's the stamen and the pistil.

6. The female part is the pistil.

7. Androecium, Female Gametes, Male Gametes, Ovules, Pistil, Pollen Grains, Stamen

8. Compound pistil คือ เกสรตัวเมียที่ประกอบด้วยหลาย Carpel มาอยู่ด้วยกัน ซึ่งแต่ละอันอาจแยกเป็นอิสระต่อกัน

9. Simple pistil คือ เกสรตัวเมียที่ประกอบขึ้นด้วย 1 Carpel: 2

10. As the flower develops, the pistil grows rapidly.

11. This means a pistil can have lots of Carpels.

12. 5 words related to Carpel: blossom, flower, bloom, pistil, mericarp

13. Pistil is the seed - producing part of the flower.

14. Carpel - a simple pistil or one element of a compound pistil blossom, flower, bloom - reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts pistil - the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary and style and stigma mericarp - …

15. The stigma is the sticky knob at the top of the pistil.

16. The main difference between carpel and pistil is that carpel is the female part of the flower, comprising of stigma, style, and ovary, whereas pistil can be either the same as an individual carpel or a collection of Carpels fused together.Furthermore, a single pistil can have lots of Carpels

17. The main difference between Carpel and pistil is that Carpel is the female part of the flower, comprising of stigma, style, and ovary, whereas pistil can be either the same as an individual Carpel or a collection of Carpels fused together.Furthermore, a single pistil can have lots of Carpels

18. What is a pistil? A pistil can either be the same as an individual carpel – comprised of the stigma, style and ovary, or a collection of Carpels fused together

19. But look what that stamen in the pistil looks like in the microscope.

20. But look what the stamen and the pistil look like in a microscope.

21. Carpel and pistil are two terms that describe female parts of a flower.

22. A flower is made up of four parts: the sepal, petal, stamen and pistil.

23. As Carpel is made of ovary, stigma, and style, while pistil is the combination of the Carpels or it can be a sole Carpel, so that pistil exists due to the fusion of many Carpels.

24. The pistil is Apocarpous, consisting of several distinct carpels, each with ovary, style and stigma

25. The stamen is the male part of a flower. The pistil is the female part.

26. Depending on the number of Carpels present, the pistil can be either simple or compound

27. The Carpellary receptacle begins to swell as each fertilized ovule in the base of each pistil develops into a seed

28. The term pistil is sometimes used to refer to a single carpel or to several Carpels …

29. The pistil is Apocarpous, consisting of several distinct carpels, each with ovary, style and stigma

30. The term pistil is sometimes used to refer to a single Carpel or to several Carpels …

31. Having all principal parts , namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil pistils . Used of a flower.

32. The pistil is formed from one or more Carpels; the aggregate of Carpels is called the gynoecium

33. - The flowers comprise a five-part calyx, a five-part white corolla, 10 stamens and a pistil.

34. In the middle of the cyathium stands a female flower: a single pistil with branched stigmas.

35. Pistil can be either the same as an individual Carpel or a collection of Carpels fused together

36. The pistil is formed from one or more Carpels; the aggregate of Carpels is called the gynoecium

37. Carpel or pistil the flask-shaped female reproductive unit of a flower, composed of ovary, style and stigma

38. What does Carpel mean? One of the structural units of a pistil, representing a modified, ovule-bearing leaf

39. Within the floret is the Apetalous, bisexual grass flower consisting of a gynoecium (pistil) and three stamens (androecium)

40. Androecium is also called stamens, which comprises of anther and filaments while gynoecium is also called the pistil or …

41. The Carpels are separate or fused to form a single pistil [C19: from New Latin carpellum, from Greek karpos fruit]

42. Blossomed definition: reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts synonyms: perigone, angiosperm, pistil, ray floret

43. Development of pistil and stamen of 11 earliest embryo - cultured apricot selections was studied, these selections were selected by Sh andong Institute of Pomology.

44. N Archegonium The pistillidium or female organ of the higher cryptogams, having the same function as the pistil in flowering plants

45. Aggregate fruits form from single flowers that have multiple carpels which are not joined together, i.e. each pistil contains one carpel.

46. There are usually 3-4 stigmas attached to a single pistil per flower, which is 1 or 3-4 carpellate.

47. The fertility resumption is not thorough. Itis possible that the male-sterile genes effect on the pistil in Nongken 58S.

48. Carpel and Pistil both are generative parts of the plant in flower, and they possess a very small distinction among them

49. Carpel, One of the leaflike, seed-bearing structures that constitute the innermost whorl of a flower. One or more Carpels make up the pistil

50. Similarly, the female organ of a flower (the pistil) needs pollen from the male organ (the stamen) in order to be fertilized and produce fruit.

51. The present status and prospect of studies on specific genes for development of androecium, pistil and petals of higher plants are reviewed in this paper.

52. Byblis species look very similar to Drosera and Drosophyllum, but are distinguished by their zygomorphic flowers, with five curved stamens off to one side of the pistil.

53. Corolla: Petals 5, Apopetalous, irregular papillionaceous, consisting of a posterior standard, two lateral wings, two anterior ones forming a keel which encloses stamen and pistil, vexillary / descendingly imbricate aestivation

54. An unusual characteristic of these flowers is that each of them bears a stamen, or pollen-producing structure, and at the same time, a pistil, or ovary-bearing structure.

55. Most plants in the Bunchflower family have bunches of little white or greenish, lily-like flowers with 3 sepals and 3 petals that are identical in size and color, plus 6 stamens, and a 3-parted pistil.

56. Definition of Carpel : one of the ovule-bearing structures in an angiosperm that comprises the innermost whorl of a flower — compare pistil Other Words from Carpel Example Sentences Learn More about Carpel Other Words from Carpel

57. The pistil, which is above the rest of the members of the flower, consists of two Carpels joined at their edges to form the ovary, which becomes two-celled by subsequent ingrowth of a septum from these …

58. Bilobate: having two earlike structures or lobes Bilobed: having two lobes or earlike projections Bipartite: divided into two parts Biserial: arranged in two rows Biserratew: with a row of double saw teeth Bisexual: a flower that has both a stamen and a pistil Bivalvate: having two valves

59. Typically it consists of a stigma, style, and ovary.It is thought to have evolved by the fusion of the two edges of a flattened megasporophyll (see sporophyll).Each flower may have one Carpel (monoCarpellary) or many (polyCarpellary), either free (apocarpous) or fused together (syncarpous).See also pistil.

60. If the pistil be Apocarpous, and the carpels arranged spirally on an elevated thalamus, it then frequently happens that the carpels, especially the upper ones, become carried up with the prolonged axis, more widely separated one from the other than below, and particularly liable to undergo various petalloid or foliaceous changes as in proliferous _Roses_, _Potentilla_, &c.