Use "pintails" in a sentence

1. ‘Arctic terns, Mew gulls, scaup, shoveler, buffleheads, Baldpates, yellow legs and various passerines were observed.’ ‘Examples of dabbling ducks are the mallards, cinnamon teals, shovellers, green and blue-winged teals, pintails, black ducks, Baldpates and gadwalls.’

2. ‘The plumages of hand-reared mallards, Baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.’ ‘American Wigeons dominate the marsh this season; their creamy-white crowns are suggestive of their nickname: Baldpates.’

3. ‘The plumages of hand-reared mallards, Baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.’ ‘American Wigeons dominate the marsh this season; their creamy-white crowns are suggestive of their nickname: Baldpates.’