Use "pinon" in a sentence

1. Secluded gurgling tubs overlook mountain landscapes of pinon, juniper and scrub oak.

2. 10 Secluded gurgling tubs overlook mountain landscapes of pinon, juniper and scrub oak.

3. Acrosst the Border 2-Person Event w/Hillcrest Sunday, May 2 **THIS IS DAY 2, AT HILLCREST IN DURANGO** 2-day, 2-person event with Saturday at Pinon Hills and Sunday at Hillcrest Golf Club in Durango

4. ‘an Acculturated Cherokee’ ‘In Pinon Middle School, we observed that the students who have been raised with traditional Navajo teachings or the students who are almost totally Acculturated to the dominant culture are rarely seen for discipline referrals.’

5. ‘the next weeks were spent Acculturating the field staff’ ‘In Pinon Middle School, we observed that the students who have been raised with traditional Navajo teachings or the students who are almost totally acculturated to the dominant culture are rarely seen for discipline referrals.’