Use "pink slip" in a sentence

1. He'll get a pink slip.

2. A: Joe got a pink slip today.

3. Write your name and address on this pink slip.

4. I got a pink slip in my pay envelope today.

5. Measured in this traditional way, Thain deserves nothing but a pink slip.

6. Print out a phony pink slip and leave It in their mailbox.

7. As business is slow, the boss gave Mr. A a pink slip to - day.

8. Mr. B might get a pink slip because his work has been below par.

9. Pink slip ( pink dismissal notice ) set off some school districts, California Teachers " pink terror. "

10. The result, as Dillard knows firsthand, is a pink slip for many missile employees.

11. Amanda: You'd better concentrate on your job, or you may be given the pink slip.

12. During those terrible months after getting his pink slip, he filled out endless application forms.

13. 17 Mr. B might get a pink slip because his work has been below par.

14. But if you do get that pink slip, remember, don't take it personally and move on!

15. He reported feeling surprised that his reaction to his pink slip had been more relief than anger.

16. After all those years of hard work, they just handed me a pink slip and it was over.

17. Career mode introduces a new feature – the ability to win a Blacklist opponent's car ("pink slip"), bonus functions, extra cash or car parts and decors, after defeating the opponent in question.