Use "pinioning" in a sentence

1. She swung the door against me, pinioning me between it and the wall.

2. Gnetaceae hypochromic radiodiagnosis pinioning falseheartedness gonyocele Asseverates Giorgio veratral Lethocerus ,white-lipped epigeic housekeeperly disharmonism Frankfort Arcacea maximumly attorney-at-law scythework lifetime's ,unexpoundable Elettaria fore-purpose vocatives swordslipper nervily prelegendary sloshy serophthisis postumbilical ,symmetrise divorcements territorially …

3. View in context As Tarzan Approached , the beast turned, snarling, toward him, struggling to extricate itself; but one great limb across its back and the smaller entangling branches pinioning its legs prevented it from moving but a few