Use "pincer movement" in a sentence

1. I suppose you would call it a pincer movement.

2. It is a favourite military tactic ... the pincer movement!

3. The army surrounded the town in a pincer movement.

4. Lillie : U know, u and ur dad in the annual pincer movement .

5. They had thus executed a vast pincer movement, and won the first round.

6. On February 22, the main Satsuma army arrived and attacked Kumamoto castle in a pincer movement.

7. The US troops near Argentan were ordered to withdraw, which ended the pincer movement by the XV Corps.

8. The Americans then executed a pincer movement, setting up the Ninth Army north, and the First Army south.

9. Those at either end of the line usually advance rather faster than those in the centre so that a pincer movement develops.