Use "pilot light" in a sentence

1. cleaning gas pilot light

2. Front - row pilot light comfortable warm.

3. Green pilot light mounted on inner door.

4. White pilot light mounted on inner door.

5. White pilot light mounted on inner door. Float switch by others.

6. Green pilot light mounted on inner door. One for each circuit breaker.

7. Use pilot light on gas stove (pilot lights use up to half of all

8. The fire pit includes a pilot light having a fuel feed and an air feed.

9. Red pilot light mounted on inner door for each connected motor . Does not include temperature switches.

10. A tiny pilot light, if you like, that was necessary to set everything else in motion.

11. An on - off switch with pilot light , reversing switch and power rheostat are mounted on the base.

12. An on-off switch with pilot light, reversing switch and a power rheostat are mounted on the base.

13. One night while everyone was in bed the pilot light blew out, and slowly the apartment filled with gas.

14. The comforting blue flame of the pilot light was dead, blown out by the gusting wind of the night before.

15. Still swearing under his breath, Dexter pulled off the cover from the bottom of the boiler and relit the pilot light.

16. However, unknown to us, just the day before, someone came and hooked up the gas stove and lit the pilot light.

17. Without the fresh air, I could easily be overcome by gas fumes if the pilot light went out on the gas stove.”

18. ‘The obvious appeal of the portrait is the notion that a person's pilot light remains Aflame even in the darkest of times.’ ‘The baobab was Aflame, regular fire eating it as quickly as it could.’

19. A set of nozzles in the premix chamber is coupled to the fuel dispensing unit and disperse the waste hydrocarbon fluids into the forced air generated by the airscrew toward a pilot light mounted at the downstream end of the chamber.