Use "pignut" in a sentence

1. Second, prepare other materials, including pignut , popcorn, soybean, sesame, polished glutinous rice, and dried bamboo shoot.

2. With tired working long time, people should eat some pignut, almond, cashew, walnut and the kind of dried fruit.

3. ‘He brought his copy with him as he carried bowls of sliced bread, Bearberries, rowan-berries, and scrubbed pignut tubers out to the fledgling's glade.’ ‘She concocted a potion of bearberry, marshmallow bark, clivers, hydrangea, and saw palmetto extracts that she administered by syringe in tandem with immune system boosters goldenseal and

4. Family (a) Malvaceae mallows; mauves (b) Poaceae grasses; gramines (c ) Lamiaceae mints; menthes: Common name: (a) Kulotkulot (Filipino); Chinese burr; Burr bush; Paroquet bur; Diamond Burrbark (English); Daupang (Sul) (b) Dawa (Filipino); Common millet; Italian bristle grass; Italian foxtail; Foxtail bristlegrass; Foxtail millet (English) (c) Suob-kabayo (Filipino); Bush-tea-bush; Pignut