Use "pigeons" in a sentence

1. And pigeons.

2. Or the pigeons.

3. Commuting Pigeons

4. Misao, send pigeons.

5. They popped at the pigeons.

6. The pigeons circled above the terrace.

7. It's just a bunch of pigeons.

8. Ho, what, you gonna shoot their pigeons?

9. There were pigeons roosting in the dish.

10. Little pigeons can carry great messages. 

11. The pigeons are coming home to roost.

12. The pigeons wheel and scuttle around us.

13. Homing pigeons were used extensively in the 19th and early 20th centuries, both for civil pigeon post and as war pigeons.

14. The old man mothered his beloved pigeons.

15. 24 Keeping carrier pigeons is his hobby.

16. Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.

17. They no longer poach pigeons in public parks.

18. Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.

19. What does Mary’s offering two pigeons indicate?

20. No one knows you're alive except for some pigeons.

21. The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof.

22. I am a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

23. Protect crops from pigeons and other birds with netting.

24. The efforts with pigeons and parrots bear only shadowy comparison.

25. Did you know the French have the best carrier pigeons?

26. Pigeons there on the parapet opposite, squabbling, jostling for position.

27. I know the little spring where the pigeons drink.

28. This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs.

29. Lord knows I have plagued the pigeons often enough.

30. 10 Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.

31. The pigeons are so tame they will sit on your shoulder.

32. In my family, I am flamingo in the flock of pigeons.

33. The pigeons are all asleep upon their roosts -- no flutter from them.

34. 10 Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth's magnetic field is disturbed.

35. It does raise the question of how pigeons detect the magnetic field.

36. Pigeons aged from 1 week after hatching through to adulthood were used.

37. On the root of the school house some pigeons were softly cooing.

38. Cote definition, a shelter, coop, or small shed for sheep, pigs, pigeons, etc

39. However, larger birds like ducks and imperial pigeons were probably hunted by humans.

40. Early attempts along these lines focus on the behavior of rats and pigeons.

41. After all, young pigeons , called squab, have been raised for centuries for food.

42. Fancy pigeons, like flowers, seem endless in variety, color and hue.

43. The conjuror whipped away the cover to reveal two live pigeons.

44. Cote definition: a small shelter for pigeons , sheep , etc Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

45. Immediately the pigeons began to strut and flutter out, billing and cooing with pleasure.

46. May want to upgrade from carrier pigeons or whatever early man uses.

47. In my family, I am a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

48. Alectroenas nitidissima is the type species of the genus, which includes all blue pigeons.

49. Altricial birds include pigeons, passerine birds (that is, perching/ songbirds), and raptors (owls, eagles, falcons).

50. Some were as small as pigeons, and some were the size of a school bus.

51. Utility pigeons are one of three main breed groupings used by pigeon fanciers.

52. Cocklebur poisoning must be differentiated from poisonings caused by ingestion of clay pigeons, aflatoxin, and gossypol

53. The Jenkins & Moore (1973) Autoshaping in pigeons used all of the following, expect____ CS: tone


55. Researchers have studied demand in rats in a manner distinct from studying labor supply in pigeons.

56. This probably gave rise to the expression "to put the cat among the pigeons".

57. Six monkeys (macaca mulatta) and seven pigeons were used as Ss in the experiment.

58. The new security guard is a burglar — that'll put the cat among the pigeons.

59. While the pigeons fretted up and down the sidewalk with their hands folded behind their backs.

60. The Alectroenas blue pigeons are closely interrelated and occur widely throughout islands in the western Indian Ocean.

61. One group of scientists showed the power of operant conditioning by teaching pigeons to be art connoisseurs.

62. Doing Backflips is what these pigeons are good at and what they are bred for

63. PIGEONS find their bearings by using clusters of magnetic crystals in their heads and necks.

64. 19 The kind of associative learning shown by rats and pigeons in these experiments is often called conditioning.

65. 9 The principal focus of research work in China has been on the behavior of pigeons.

66. Bell bird Control focuses on pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and gulls with solutions that are safe for people and animals

67. Many early studies of non-human economic reasoning were performed on rats and pigeons in an operant conditioning chamber.

68. Nothing was left but the pigeons he raised and a jacuzzi, a bathtub that he got from Tel Aviv.

69. Fowl, including ducks, geese, chickens and also pigeons, were kept near to the settlement in closes and open spaces.

70. Long- suffering pigeons have been fitted with frosted glass “spectacles” so that they could not see specific landmarks.

71. In the United States, fifty pigeons may require a monthly outlay of between $35 and $40 for feed alone.

72. If the sacrifice was from the fowls, it had to be from the turtledoves or young pigeons.

73. Pigeons are able to dip their bills into the water and drink continuously without having to tilt their heads back.

74. Backpacked Birds Reveal Who's The Boss Using lightweight GPS devices in tiny backpacks strapped to homing pigeons, researchers have …

75. The bank is poised to put the cat among the pigeons this morning by slashing the cost of borrowing.

76. Zen stood in the fading sunlight watching the courtship of two pigeons on the tiled roof of a shed below.

77. They suggested that feral pigeons within urban environments probably used their "memory and categorisation abilities in their daily foraging activities".

78. And without doubt, many birds as well as pigeons, are able to guide themselves by the earth's magnetism.

79. Chests 3 to 7 were for collecting funds for the appointed value of turtledoves, pigeons, wood, incense, and golden vessels respectively.

80. 22 No wisteria cooing like fat blue pigeons from the eaves, no azure sea, no pretty boats bobbing on gentle waves.