Use "piazzas" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Agorae include souqs, bazaars, emporiums, forums, markets, marts, arcades, marketplaces, fair and piazzas

2. Barilla was founded by Pietro Barilla in 1877 as a small bakery on a merchant road in downtown Parma, a city with pillared churches and bustling piazzas at almost every turn.

3. For this design, the Bagnios and lodging houses are near at hand”.9: On the joys and merriment of patronizing prostitutes, James Boswell writes, in his London Journal(1762-1763): “I then sallied forth to the Piazzas in rich flow of animal spirits and burning with fierce desire

4. ‘The Columned lobby which doubles as the main office, spells opulence.’ ‘Lining one side of the Forum are stone Medusa faces with eyes that still bedevil the onlooker, whilst at the far end, under a Columned portico, the remains of a Roman bar recall present-day cafes in Florentine or Venetian piazzas.’