Use "phrygian" in a sentence

1. Ariadne was a slave in the household of a Phrygian prince

2. Cybele : The Phrygian goddess of nature of ancient asia Minor.

3. (Ionian Mode, Dorian Mode, Phrygian Mode, Lydian Mode, Mixolydian mode, Aeolian mode, Mode Locrio.

4. Added to the original Phrygian population of Colossae were Greek and Jewish elements.

5. Baucis: see Philemon and Baucis Philemon and Baucis, in Greek mythology, Phrygian husband and wife

6. He Cavilled in part like the priest Sabellius, who had Cavilled like the Phrygian Praxeas, who was a great caviller

7. He Cavilled in part like the priest Sabellius, who had Cavilled like the Phrygian Praxeas, who was a great caviller

8. Greek & Roman Mythology A Phrygian peasant who, along with his wife Baucis, was rewarded for showing hospitality to the disguised

9. Attis (/ ˈ æ t ɪ s /; Greek: Ἄττις, also Ἄτυς, Ἄττυς, Ἄττης) was the consort of Cybele, in Phrygian and Greek mythology

10. Croesus' son Atys was accidentally killed during a boar hunt by the young Phrygian refugee Adrastus, whom Croesus purified and received in his house

11. Historians speculate that the legend of King Midas' golden touch might have originated from Phrygian royalty wearing clothes made from such golden-colored textiles.

12. Originally a large and prosperous Phrygian city on the Persian Royal Road, Ancyra became the centre of the Tectosages, one of the three Gaulish tribes that settled permanently in …

13. Philemon and Baucis, in Greek mythology, a pious Phrygian couple who hospitably received Zeus and Hermes when their richer neighbours turned away the two gods, who were disguised as wayfarers.

14. Attis (ă`tĭs) or Atys (ā`–), in Phrygian religion, vegetation god.When Nana ate the fruit of the almond tree, which had been generated by the blood of either Agdistis or of Cybele Cybele, in ancient Asian religion, the Great Mother Goddess.

15. His priests were eunuchs, the Galli, as explained by origin myths pertaining to Attis and castration.Attis was also a Phrygian god of vegetation.In his self-mutilation, death and resurrection he represents the fruits of the earth which die in winter

16. Anchises was the son of Capys and Themiste in Greek mythology, father of Aeneas.He was better known as a lover of the goddess Aphrodite, who appeared in front of him disguised as a Phrygian princess.She then seduced him into lovemaking for two weeks

17. Adonis (Άδωνις) was the God of Beauty and desire, and is an archetypal life-death-rebirth deity in Greek mythology, and a central cult figure in various mystery religions.1 He is closely related to the Egyptian Osiris, the Semitic Tammuz & Baal Hadad, the Etruscan Atunis and the Phrygian Attis, all of whom are deities of rebirth and vegetation (Some mythologists believe he was later

18. The Boeotian Helmet is a bronze helmet of ancient Greek origin.123 1 Overview 2 Variants 2.1 Classic 2.2 Boeotian-Phrygian 2.3 Ptolemaic 2.4 Bactrian 2.5 Attic-Boeotian 3 Gallery 4 In popular culture 5 References Also known as Phrygoboeotian.4 Placeholder567 Late Hellenistic (1st century BC), also known as "Attic-Boeotic.8 The Boeotian helmet is featured in the video game Empire Earth

19. The Boeotian Helmet is a bronze helmet of ancient Greek origin.123 1 Overview 2 Variants 2.1 Classic 2.2 Boeotian-Phrygian 2.3 Ptolemaic 2.4 Bactrian 2.5 Attic-Boeotian 3 Gallery 4 In popular culture 5 References Also known as PhrygoBoeotian.4 Placeholder567 Late Hellenistic (1st century BC), also known as "Attic-Boeotic.8 The Boeotian helmet is featured in the video game Empire Earth