Use "photojournalism" in a sentence

1. Well, see, there's this, um, photojournalism class but they said it's only for journalism majors.

2. He was a champion of humanist photography and with Henri Cartier-Bresson a pioneer of photojournalism.

3. Cropping is widely considered one of the few editing actions permissible in modern photojournalism along with tonal balance, colour correction and sharpening

4. #balldeBastons #ball #bastonersdelmontserratí #bastoners #bastoneig #montserratí #somcomarca #tradicions #païsoscatalans #ppcc #diainternacionaldeladansa #culturapopular #culturacatalana #somcultura #dansa #Bastons #fmesparreguera #photojournalism

5. It is these kinds of stories, ones that go beyond the immediate or just the superficial that demonstrate the power of photojournalism.

6. A 2-year or 4-year degree in broadcasting, film, photography, photojournalism or other related major, combined with relevant experience, may help you qualify for a job as a TV Cameraman…