Use "photic" in a sentence

1. 6 It will be better if metal modified apatite is covered by photic organic film substantially.

2. Photic stimulation increases the occurrence of spike, or spike and wave, discharges in some patients with generalized epilepsy.

3. The larvae of railroad worms (Phrixothrix) have paired photic organs on each body segment, able to glow with green light; these are thought to have a defensive purpose.

4. ‘In contrast, the many shale layers seem to be poor in macrofossils largely because they were deposited at depth below the photic zone (upper Bathyal depth) as indicated by benthic foraminifera.’

5. The photic sneeze reflex (also known as Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst (ACHOO) syndrome or photosneezia, from the Greek φῶς, phōs, "light" and colloquially sun sneezing) is a reflex condition that causes sneezing in response to numerous stimuli, such as looking at bright lights or periocular (surrounding the eyeball) injection.