Use "phobia" in a sentence

1. Society phobia similar illness.

2. Aelurophobia and gephyrophobia are rather rare and are ordinarily superseded by cat phobia and bridge phobia, respectively

3. Acrophobia is also called height phobia

4. Claustrophobia This includes phobias of animals and insects, Claustrophobia, phobia of flying, phobia of needles and blood, and many others.

5. He has a phobia about snakes.

6. He has a phobia about flying.

7. The man had a phobia about flying.

8. What is the cause of cat phobia?

9. I've got a phobia about/of worms.

10. She had a phobia about entering dark houses.

11. Modern diagnostic classification systems (ICD-10, DSM-IV) differentiate between panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia and specific phobia.

12. He is having therapy to conquer his phobia.

13. Ailurophobia (also known as felinophobia, elurophobia, and cat phobia) is a term that refers to a specific phobia, or irrational fear, of cats

14. Dislike of snakes or spiders is a common phobia.

15. Sometimes, the result of extreme paranoia is a phobia.

16. She has a phobia about water and can't swim.

17. Conclusion psychoanalytic therapy was effective treatment of phobia patients.

18. One of the symptoms of the disease is water phobia.

19. The current medical classification list (ICD-10) by the World Health Organization differentiates between agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobia, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.

20. Acrophobia - a morbid fear of great heights simple phobia - any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with relatively simple well-defined stimuli Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

21. Agoraphobia is just one type of phobia, or irrational fear

22. What is it exactly that scares those suffering from this phobia?

23. Anorexia nervous probably represents a weight phobia - the fear of obesity.

24. However, 20 percent of the population have a thing called needle phobia.

25. Claustrophobia is a specific phobia of confined, tight, enclosed, or crowded spaces

26. It's as if she has panic attacks and a kind of phobia.

27. The core of any phobia is the feeling that we're losing control.

28. It took Shapiro just three months to overcome 25 years of bridge phobia.

29. Ailurophobia is a type of specific phobia: the persistent, excessive fear of cats

30. This same technique can be used for patients suffering from any type of phobia.

31. I have a real phobia about going to places where I don't know anyone.

32. Acrophobia is a specific phobia that is categorized as a space and motion discomfort

33. Like other phobias, Agoraphobia often goes unreported, probably because many phobia sufferers find ways to …

34. 7 Deconstruct Your Fears - I'm sure you don't have a phobia about getting stuff done.

35. Patients with depression, phobia, and obsessions were helped the most, patients with schizophrenia not as reliably.

36. This Mega Battlers pack comes with 35 pieces to build the spider-type Phobia figure

37. The word Ailurophobia has been derived from the Greek word ‘Ailurous’ meaning cat and ‘phobia’ meaning fear.

38. Claustrophobia is a situational phobia triggered by an irrational and intense fear of tight or crowded spaces

39. Would that fact not help to explain the presence of a phobia about fire in this lifetime?

40. Since some airplanes and trains do crash, when does fear about traveling in them become a phobia?

41. The name Ailurophobia is taken from the Greek terms where Ailouros means Cats and phobia means fear

42. Arachnophobia or the fear of spiders is the oldest and most common phobia in the Western culture

43. Sigmund Freud mentioned that an animal phobia is one of the most frequent psychoneurotic diseases among children.

44. Benzodiazepines are important approved treatment options for generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, seizures, social phobia and panic disorder

45. Agoraphobia often accompanies other anxiety disorders (such as panic disorder or a specific phobia) and depressive disorders

46. 8 A twerp would spit in his lunch or touch his food because he has a germ phobia.

47. Avoidant disorder of childhood and adolescence former name for a disorder now included under the diagnosis of social phobia

48. If you suffer from a phobia, you would probably do best to seek outside help from a professional.

49. Development of the characteristics of social phobia often requires a diathesis in the form of a temperamental bias.

50. Ailurophobia, also known as Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Gatophobia or Cat Phobia is the unjustifiable and persistent fear of cats

51. Some people's phobia about cancer is so extreme that they can not bring themselves to think about it seriously.

52. The others were mania disorder, panic disorder, social phobia and agoraphobia, as well as alcohol and illicit drug dependence.

53. A key feature of Claustrophobia – or any phobia, for that matter – is a fear that exceeds the actual threat

54. Acrophobia is an irrational or extreme phobia or fear of heights, especially when an individual isn’t particularly at a high altitude

55. Our Auto Belays can be found on all of our climbing walls, Coconut Tree Climbs and our Rope A Phobia

56. Taken to extremes, what begins as an anxiety may develop into a full-blown phobia, crippling the life of the sufferer.

57. Aaah, so you can de-Brahmanize and that's humanity, while country wants to de-islamize that's phobia? You are full of contradictions

58. Comparison of Automatical thoughts among generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder and generalized social phobia patients Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci

59. Claustrophobia is a type of anxiety disorder, categorized as a specific phobia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM 5)

60. However, there is every indication that his phobia issues are real- - whether acrophobia or some other issue remains to be seen.

61. If your best friend has severe phobia of spiders, you might want to delicately Broach the topic of your new pet tarantula, Mr

62. What is the treatment of Ailurophobia? Gatophobia is like any other phobia and can be treated through psychotherapy sessions or counseling sessions.

63. Anxiety is the main symptom of several conditions, including panic disorder, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder and social Anxiety disorder (social phobia)

64. 21 Conclusion Tussah pupa of encephalopathy is a disease mostly showing extrapyramidal symptoms accompanied with dysphoria and phobia, which has a good prognosis.

65. Amygdalae Several studies have found that certain areas of the brain, such as the Amygdalae, can be more active in individuals with social phobia.

66. Now a sadhu in Bhopal , who does not wish to be identified , is trying to address the problem and help the minister rise above her phobia .

67. So, the claim about a phobia is that there's a bad association between, say dog and fear, or between airplanes or snakes and some bad response.

68. The use of this technology was pioneered by Rothbaum and colleagues in a controlled study of VRE in the treatment of a specific phobia, fear of heights (Acrophobia)

69. Otherwise the risk of relapse and dropout may be high.253 Thus, the clinician should be able to effectively administer CBT treatments for the phobic disorders which are characterized primarily by behavioral avoidance (i.e., social phobia, agoraphobia, specific phobia), and the anxiety states which are characterized primarily by somatic activation and cognitive symptoms (e.g., panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, acute stress disorder).

70. Acrophobia is a type of anxiety disorder, which is defined as a specific phobia with symptoms of a panic attack leading to avoidance behavior and psychological and/or psychosocial impairment 1).

71. Individuals with Claustrophobia may veer away from small areas that trigger fright and worry, and the severity of the phobia will determine how a person classifies a small space.

72. Cat phobia (Aelurophobia): causes, symptoms and treatment by psychologysays Cats are one of the favorite pets of humans; but while some individuals love these little creatures, others feel intense fear of …

73. Agust D then transitions into the raw reality of depression, OCD and social phobia that has plagued Suga between the time he left his hometown to pursue his dream in Seoul and the anguish he’s

74. Characterized by an intense fear of enclosed spaces or populated areas, Claustrophobia is often brought on by a prolonged fear or anxiety of these situations that, if left untreated, can eventually lead to a phobia

75. But I'm confident that I will eventually overcome the phobia I'd love to be able to sit down to a slap-up Sunday roast with a pile of greens and I'm sure one day that will happen.

76. • Aelurophobia, ailurophobia, Aelurophobia, elurophobia A morbid • Ailurophobia is a type of specific phobia: the persistent • Ailurophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of cats which produces an undue anxiety reaction even though sufferers realize their fear is irrational

77. The present invention relates to a composition for treating anxiety disorder, and more specifically, to a pharmaceutical composition for treating anxiety disorder such as posttraumatic stress disorder or phobia, containing N-acetyl-L-cysteine or a derivative thereof.

78. In particular, according to the present invention, when N-acetyl-L-cysteine is administered during or after exposure therapy with respect to posttraumatic stress disorder and phobia, it is possible to block the relapse of fear memories for a long time.

79. Titles such as 'Zinda Rehen di total price', 'Wall Clock', 'Split Second', 'Umpire', 'Visibility Pooraey', 'Handle with Care', 'Phobia' are in the garb of modernity an attempt to Bastardise Punjabi and reduce a rich language with long history into pidgin

80. One of the key findings was that approximately 2.6 million Canadians aged 15 and over had reported symptoms consistent with one of the disorders measured (depression, mania, agoraphobia, social phobia, panic disorder), or alcohol or illicit drugs dependence, in the 12 months prior to the interview.