Use "phase modulation" in a sentence

1. Method and device for differential optical phase modulation in quantum key distribution system

2. Amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), or phase modulation (PM) may be supported.

3. The acoustical parameter may include a frequency, an amplitude, a phase, modulation, or a time delay.

4. A method and a device for differential optical phase modulation in a quantum key distribution system are disclosed.

5. Adsl initially existed in two flavors- named CAP (Carrierless amplitude phase modulation- which is a non-standard variation of QAM) and Discrete MultiTone (DMT)

6. Nonlinear optical processes are another active research area, with topics such as two-photon absorption, self-phase modulation, modulational instability and optical parametric oscillators.

7. In one embodiment, a dynamically reconfigurable hologram (1200) comprises a phase-control layer (1202) including a two-dimensional array of phase-modulation pixels (1212).

8. In addition to the amplitude-modulated time signal transmission this information is also transmitted since June 1983 by DCF77 via a phase modulation of the carrier wave with a pseudorandom noise sequence of 512 bits length.

9. The acoustic amplifier (A1, A2) can increase the acoustic power at the hot end of the pulse tube (PT1, PT2), which is advantageous to the phase modulation of the inertance tube, thereby the properties of the pulse tube refrigerator can be enhanced.