Use "pharynx" in a sentence

1. See also: inferior Constrictor (muscle) of pharynx, middle Constrictor (muscle) of pharynx, superior pharyngeal Constrictor (muscle)

2. Hyperactivity, pharynx pain, aphonia: Sydney Daozhi slowly with the pharynx, daily for 3 ~ 4 times.

3. Calf diphtheria is an infectious disease affecting the pharynx, larynx, and oral cavity

4. The digestive system of Annelids contains a muscular pharynx, esophagus, gizzard, intestine, and anus.

5. Haven is the pharynx and larynx of the key position that traffic carries, portage.

6. Annelida have the following digestive organs: Pharynx, esophagus, calciferous glands, crop, gizzard, and intestine

7. Organs of the Alimentary canal or gastrointestinal tract include the mouth, most of the pharynx, …

8. Fistula (~ 22%) - complete connection between the skin and pharynx Sinuses (~ 42%) - blind pouch that is attached to either the skin or pharynx Cyst (~30%) - may occur independently, or in association with a Branchial pouch sinus or fistula.

9. The organs of the Alimentary canal are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine

10. Young age, anatomical anomalies of the nose and upper pharynx and smoke exposure are particular risk factors.

11. Smoking is also implicated in cancers of the bladder, pancreas, larynx, mouth, oesophagus,[Sentencedict] pharynx and kidney.

12. After leaving the larynx, the sound wave enters the upper part of the throat, called the pharynx.

13. Methods: Epiglottic fold entrapment was corrected during standing sedation using a shielded hook Bistoury passed nasally into the pharynx.

14. Adenoid definition, an enlarged mass of lymphoid tissue in the upper pharynx, often obstructing breathing through the nasal passages

15. The pharynx of Anthozoans (ingesting as well as egesting food) leads to the gastrovascular cavity, which is divided by mesenteries.

16. For cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, and nose or sinus, the recurrence rate was 31% without transfusions and 71% with transfusions.”

17. What are the structural modi cations of the pharynx in the classes of this phylum? And what is the major unifying Aschelminth features? Comments (0)

18. Brayi is not assigned to the Monascinae for the following reasons: the sub-terminal oral sucker opens in a round aperture rather than a medial slit, the ventral sucker is larger than the oral sucker, a pre-pharynx is present, the pharynx is conical rather than elongate and the testes are symmetrical rather than tandem.

19. Aerosolizing) • Electrocautery smoke plumes specifically in the aerodigestive tract includes the airway (pharynx and larynx), pulmonary tract (trachea, bronchi, and lungs), and upper digestive tract (esophagus)

20. Adenoids are masses of lymphatic tissue that help the body fight infection. Adenoids are found in the throat, also called the pharynx, just behind the nose

21. By sequential contraction, the pharyngeal Constrictor muscles create a peristaltic wave that facilitates passage of the food bolus inferiorly, from the pharynx towards the esophagus, during the act

22. Meshell Powell Date: February 26, 2021 The nucleus Ambiguus supplies nerves to the larynx and pharynx, and lesions that affect it can cause problems with swallowing and breathing.

23. It enters our body through the nose and mouth, moves down into the pharynx, trachea and bronchial tubes, and ultimately reaches the alveoli air sacs in the lungs.

24. In cases where the malady was firmly established, in the upper parts of the body, the patient suffered from pernicious catarrh that eroded the palate, or the pharynx and tonsils.

25. The Cuticle is secreted by the epithelial cells covering the body (hypodermis, seam cells) and by interfacial cells lining the four major openings to the exterior (anus, excretory pore, vulva and pharynx).

26. Articulators: ( ahr-tik'yŭ-lā-tŏrz ) Organs of the speech mechanism that form the configurations required for production of meaningful speech sounds, i.e., the teeth, lips, mandible, tongue, velum, and pharynx

27. The word Bulbar can refer to the nerves and tracts connected to the medulla, and also by association to those muscles innervated, such as those of the tongue, pharynx and larynx.

28. The first stage was called the 1st Ascidian stage, and includes stages from that in which there are 2 protostigmata on each side in the pharynx until the stage prior to which the

29. Bulbar poliomyelitis results from paralysis of muscle groups innervated by the cranial nerves, especially those of the soft palate and pharynx, which may present as dysphagia, nasal speech, and sometimes dyspnea

30. 26 The "forward" face guard theory and "backward" pharynx sound theory, developed from the Italian traditional Bel Canto, are the core threads that run through all ideas in various vocal music schools.

31. Foods that can adapt their shape to that of the pharynx (such as bananas, marshmallows, or gelatinous candies) can be a danger not just for children but for persons of any age.

32. The anomalies result from Branchial apparatus (six arches; five clefts), which are the embryologic precursors of the ear and the muscles, blood vessels, bones, cartilage, and mucosal lining of the face, neck, and pharynx 1.

33. Passive Articulators include: the the the the the the upper lip teeth alveolar ridge palate velum pharynx ACTIVE Articulators An active articulator is the articulator that does all or most of the moving during a speech production.

34. Adenoid definition is - either of two abnormally enlarged masses of lymphoid tissue at the back of the pharynx that usually obstruct the nasal and ear passages; also : such a mass when not abnormally enlarged —usually used in plural

35. Adenoids, also called Pharyngeal Tonsils, a mass of lymphatic tissue, similar to the (palatine) tonsils, that is attached to the back wall of the nasal pharynx (i.e., the upper part of the throat opening into the nasal cavity proper)

36. For example, the present invention may be useful for ablation, and hemostasis of tissue in sinus surgery (e.g., chronic sinusitis or the removal of turbinates, polypectomies), collagen shrinkage, ablation, hemostasis in procedures for treating snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea (e.g., soft palate, such as the uvula, or tongue/pharynx stiffening, and midline glossectomies), for gross tissue removal, such as tonsillectomies, adenoidectomies, tracheal stenosis, vocal cord polyps, and lesions; or for the resection or ablation of facial tumors or tumor with the mouth, the pharynx such as glossectomies, laryngectomies, acoustic neuroma procedures, and nasal ablation procedures.

37. Other articles where Polycladida is discussed: flatworm: Annotated classification: Order Polycladida Pharynx simple, Bulbose, or plicate (many ridges); intestine may have short diverticula, or pockets; protonephridia paired; testes usually numerous; penis papilla generally present; nervous system with 3–4 trunks; nearly 800 species

38. The nucleus Ambiguus is a large longitudinal nucleus within the medulla oblongata that provides motor innervation to muscles of the pharynx, larynx and soft palate in addition to housing preganglionic nuclei involved in parasympathetic nervous system augmentation of heart rate 1,2.

39. Snuff and chewing tobacco both cause bad breath, stained teeth, cancer of the mouth and pharynx, addiction to nicotine, white sores in the mouth that can lead to cancer, peeling back of the gums, and bone loss around the teeth.

40. Branchial arch, also called Visceral Arch, or Gill Arch, one of the bony or cartilaginous curved bars on either side of the pharynx (throat) that support the gills of fishes and amphibians; also, a corresponding rudimentary ridge in the embryo of higher vertebrates, which in …

41. Medical definition of Chordata: a phylum comprising animals having at least at some stage of development a more or less well-developed notochord, a dorsally situated central nervous system, and gill clefts in the walls of the pharynx and including the vertebrates, lancelets, and tunicates.

42. The nucleus Ambiguus is a group of large motor neurons, situated deep in the medullary reticular formation.The nucleus Ambiguus contains the cell bodies of nerves that innervate the muscles of the soft palate, pharynx, and larynx which are strongly associated with speech and swallowing.

43. ♦ Accessoriness n accessory fruit n another name for → pseudocarp accessory nerve n either one of the eleventh pair of cranial nerves, which supply the muscles of the head, shoulders, larynx, and pharynx and the viscera of the abdomen and thorax accessory shoe n (Photog) a

44. Amphioxus possess typical chordate characters, such as a dorsal hollow neural tube and notochord, a ventral gut and a perforated pharynx with gill slits, segmented axial muscles and gonads, a post- anal tail, a pronephric kidney, and homologues of the thyroid gland and adenohypophysis (the endostyle and pre-oral pit,

45. Top doodle is a tad suggestive so i'm marking this mature, just to be safe 1.) doodle of everybody's fav emotionally constipated old dads Following getting lost in the Frozen North: and eventually finding their way back to Canterlot, Duke Blueblood asks General Pharynx to be his bodyguard permanently, for purely professional reasons

46. ‘The tongue directs the Bolus of chewed food to the pharynx as an initial step in the involuntary reflex swallowing mechanism.’ ‘The cardiac sphincter opens because of increasing pressure in the esophagus from the food Bolus.’ ‘The goal is a reduction in the resting pressure to allow passage of the food Bolus into the stomach.’

47. ‘The tongue directs the Bolus of chewed food to the pharynx as an initial step in the involuntary reflex swallowing mechanism.’ ‘The cardiac sphincter opens because of increasing pressure in the esophagus from the food Bolus.’ ‘The goal is a reduction in the resting pressure to allow passage of the food Bolus into the stomach.’

48. Amygdales pharyngées, amas de tissu lymphoïde du pharynx dont la plus connue est l'amygdale palatine ; amygdale cérébrale, noyau situé dans le lobe temporal et jouant un rôle dans les émotions et le conditionnement ; amygdale du cervelet ou amygdale cérébelleuse, lobe IX du cervelet.

49. Medical Definition of nucleus Ambiguus : an elongated nucleus in the medulla oblongata that is a continuation of a group of cells in the ventral horn of the spinal cord and gives rise to the motor fibers of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves supplying striated muscle of the larynx and pharynx Learn More about nucleus Ambiguus