Use "petrology" in a sentence

1. Amphiboles have long been key players in metamorphic petrology

2. Encyclopedia article about Anhedral (petrology) by The Free Dictionary

3. The petrology of an adamelliteporphyrite from the New England Bathylith (New South Wales)

4. Thin-section petrology is a more effective means of carrying out such quantitative work.

5. 6 So does Sedimentary Petrology,[] whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.

6. So does Sedimentary Petrology, whose pages outnumber those of its older competitor by three to one.

7. Much of her work was in microscopic petrology and mineralogy, interests which she had developed when training under Bonney.

8. Banatite ( countable and uncountable, plural Banatites ) ( petrology) granodiorite or rock of similar composition that intruded in the Banat region of Europe in the Cretaceous.

9. Abthain Last hyphenations of this language anticreationism uncomplete hallucinogens eglomerate prewarning wristiest pretraditional army's gravaminous Elmore infallible petrology presentialness pagan's napless archonships ship-holder groaningly toolers

10. Plagioclase is a major constituent mineral in the Earth's crust, and is consequently an important diagnostic tool in petrology for identifying the composition, origin and evolution of igneous rocks.

11. As adjectives the difference between crystalline and Cryptocrystalline is that crystalline is of, relating to, or composed of crystals while Cryptocrystalline is (petrology) whose crystalline nature only becomes apparent at high levels of magnification

12. Machine learning thermo-Barometry is a powerful tool in petrology and volcanology Machine learning thermometers and barometers work in a wide compositional range and can be applied independently of

13. Anhedral may refer to: Anhedral angle, the downward angle from horizontal of the wings or tailplane of a fixed-wing aircraft Anhedral (petrology), a rock texture without crystal faces or cross-section shape in thin section ‹ The template below (Disambiguation) is being considered for merging.