Use "petiole" in a sentence

1. The petiole itself is Amplexicaul, canaliculate (grooved lengthwise), and up to 7 cm long.

2. The beginnings of leaf drop starts when an abscission layer is formed between the leaf petiole and the stem.

3. Synthetic or natural abscisic acid isolated from tomato fruits is transported in explants, petiole and internode segments from Coleus rheneltianus.

4. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Apterous (Adjective) Destitute of wings; wingless. Apterous (Adjective) Destitute of winglike membranous expansions, as a stem or petiole.

5. Maidenhair Fern Adiantum pedatum Pteridaceae (Brake family) Description: A specimen of this deciduous perennial fern consists of a much-branched bipinnate leaf and its petiole

6. When the level of Auxin declines, a special layer of cells — the abscission layer — forms at the base of the petiole or fruit stalk

7. Celery for the celery is formed Apiaceae herbs Feinen petiole, its spicy, sweet, cool, nutritious, containing protein, various vitamins and essential minerals and dietary fiber body.

8. This sorus may stretch 0.5–3.0 centimetres (0.20–1.18 in) across the petiole and undersides of the leaf veins of the host plant, leading to a gall formation.

9. Axil (plural Axils) (botany) The angle or point of divergence between the upper side of a branch, leaf, or petiole, and the stem or branch from which it springs.

10. Once the leaves are infected, the fungus grows down the petiole into the stem, eventually leading to the most damaging phase of the disease, stem Cankering, usually at ground level

11. Species in the Birthwort family are perennial herbs or lianas (i.e., woody, climbing plants) with typically broad leaves and red, purple, or brown flowers tucked between the stem and the petiole of the leaf

12. These sporophylls, which are 2,5–4,5 cm long and 1–2 cm wide, consist of a distal triangular short limb and a proximal long winged petiole which bears adaxially a single, large and tongue-shaped sporangium.

13. The behaviour of the petiole ofBrassica oleracea was similar to that ofS. acaule, whilstBegonia rex, an extremely frost sensitive plant, froze similarly toS. tuberosum, but without any indication of a normal double cooling curve.

14. A variable portion of the leaf petiole may remain persistent on the trunk for many years after leaf fall leaving the trunk rough and spiky, but in some, the lower trunk loses these leaf bases and becomes smooth.

15. Features of P. annosus unique for the large recent genus Polyrhachis include a large first gastral segment, a scapus attached at some distance from the clypeus, and an alitrunk (mesosoma) and petiole each with a pair of teeth or spines.

16. Abscission the process by which plant organs are shed. This process occurs in the stalks of unfertilized flowers, in ripe fruits and in the base of the petiole of deciduous leaves in autumn, or in diseased leaves at any time.

17. Q3-the leave are main photosynthetic organof plant consist of Aflatted blade and stalk the petiole joins the leaf to the stem at node The photosynthesis takes place in chlorenchyma ground tissue called mesophyll located between the upper and lower layers of epidermis Q4 …

18. Leaves very variable in size, pinnate, usually with 5-8 pairs of lateral leaflets and a terminal one, stalked with bases of petiole Auricled; leaflets usually subrounded in lower leaves and ovate-oblong in upper leaves, lobulate, serrate to almost entire, 5-25 mm long, 3-10 mm broad.

19. Adaxial matte surface to subnitid, glabrous or slightly hirtellous on midrib, abaxial surface with the midrib, and sometimes lateral veins as well, most of which are slightly are puberulent or hirtellous and also with coarse, subapressed hairs, very densely tomentose, petiole 0.8-1.5 cm long (Fig.

20. I consulted Plant Physiology (4th ed.) by Taiz and Zeiger (Sinauer Associates, 2006), and here is what it says about leaf abscission in general: "These parts [leaves, flowers, fruits] Abscise in a region called the abscission zone, which is located near the base of the petiole of leaves

21. Is that Bract is (botany) a leaf or leaf-like structure from the axil out of which a stalk of a flower or an inflorescence arises while stipule is (botany) basal appendage of a typical leaf of a flowering plant, usually appearing paired beside the petiole although sometimes absent or highly modified

22. Petiole 5–10 mm, glabrous; leaf blade oblong to rarely obovate-oblong, (6–)8–16 × 2.5–5 cm, herbaceous to thinly leathery, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially paler and usually with a pair of purplish black basal nectaries near margin, adaxially shining, base broadly cuneate, margin sparsely and shallowly Acicularly serrate or sometimes

23. (UsingCroizat's terminology, this network may be described as a “secundary” or “upper nerving center” of the phyllome.) Within the basis of petioles, just above the distal limitation of the leaf base, the partners of either of the lateral pairs of petiolar bundles join: Fusion of both partners of the outermost pair of bundles results in formation of the central bundle which dives down into the center of the petiole; it is to be considered the true or primary ventral median bundle. The next pair of bundles fuse, too, thus forming the adaxial bundle which actually is a secundary or false ventral median bundle. Both are completely inverted bundles. In this way, the number of originally formed seven main petiolar bundles is reduced to five.