Use "peter i" in a sentence

1. 9 Peter: I prefer a variety show without a host.

2. Bailey, David N., and Jatlow, Peter I.: Barbital overdose and abuse

3. The defensive tower of the Abbey is also the birthplace of King Peter I of Castile.

4. The first iteration of the Russian Navy was established by Peter the Great (Peter I) in October 1696.

5. (2) Batmen of Peter I were officers in his retinue who performed specific duties, including diplomatic, military, and secret reconnaissance assignments

6. In 1097, however, his successor, Peter I of Aragon and Navarre, donated all the goods of Loarre to a new royal monastery at Montearagon.

7. What does Boyar mean? A member of a class of higher Russian nobility that until the time of Peter I headed the civil and military administrati

8. According to Cosmas the Priest, Bogomil first began to preach his beliefs in Bulgaria during the reign of the Peter I of Bulgaria (927 to 969))

9. The largest city on the lake is Petrozavodsk – the capital of Republic of Karelia (about 270,000 citizens) founded in 1703 by Peter I to exploit the natural ore deposits.

10. According to Cosmas the Priest the priest Bogomil first began to preach his heresy in Bulgaria in the reign of the Peter I of Bulgaria (927 to 969), which indicates that Cosmas must have been writing later than 969.[1]

11. 1345 har Abboten Peter i Nydala kloster gett frälsemannen Johan Uddsson rätt att använda klostrets skog i Linneryd för bete för hans kor och för att samla löv, gräs, och hugga ung granskog