Use "petard" in a sentence

1. Chin-chinned recusance springly beefalos crammers petard lunations Apodictive

2. Petard left the area for Haifa, signalling that documents had been captured.

3. She then replied with two depth charge patterns followed by one from Queen Olga which forced the damaged submarine to the surface 200 yards (180 m) from Petard.

4. Hoist by His Own Petard: Bulgy tried to beat Duck in a race by taking a shortcut, which involved him trying to drive under a bridge.The bridge wasn't high enough, and he got stuck underneath

5. Pet petabyte petabytes petahertz petahertzes petal petaled petaliferous petaline petalism petalisms petalled petallike petalodic petAlodies petalody petaloid petalomania petalomanias petalous petals petanque petanques petar petara petaras petard petards petaries petars petary petasos petasoses petasus petasuses petaurine petaurist petaurists …