Use "perverted" in a sentence

1. You perverted the system.

2. I'm not a perverted little monster.

3. You've been protecting sick and perverted men.

4. He was perverted by his evil companions.

5. He has perverted all we hold sacred.

6. Yet their deeds have the same perverted outcome.

7. She was having difficulty following his perverted logic.

8. Or more likely you, you sick, perverted rapist!

9. The man was lascivious, sexually perverted and insatiable.

10. You have perverted your faith to justify murder.

11. The rituals of the past are perverted and decayed.

12. Have you aided other men in their perverted follies?

13. He derives a perverted pleasure from hurting other people.

14. His actions, to his small perverted mind, were surely forgivable.

15. She told him he had a sick and perverted mind.

16. Do you have some kind of perverted pleasure from this?

17. They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer.

18. Insidious Blackmailed porn videos are full of cunning perverted guys.

19. He is in charge of sales and is a bit perverted.

20. The newspaper has described the killer as perverted and sexually deviant.

21. He used a perverted form of socialism to incite racial hatred.

22. Some scientific discoveries have been perverted to create weapons of destruction.

23. Whenever you get a chance, you do these sick and perverted acts.

24. This idea is one that may easily be perverted by anyone else.

25. That was before it became contaminated and perverted into what it is today.

26. Pride and Arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate

27. Evil men get the better of the righteous, and so justice is perverted.”

28. During 20 years of perverted worship, I wallowed in the futility of hedonism.

29. An object as viewed in a plain mirror is perverted from its actual appearance.

30. I would gladly die before I see my life's work perverted in this way.

31. Synonyms for Bemeaned include debased, degraded, demeaned, corrupted, abased, vitiated, cheapened, perverted, subverted and depraved

32. In recent years, the notion of neighborhood schools has been perverted by bigotry and racism.

33. Synonyms for Bastardised include corrupted, degraded, debased, adulterated, defiled, perverted, vitiated, abased, cheapened and demeaned

34. Synonyms for Cheesed include zerged, rushed, misrepresented, distorted, garbled, misstated, perverted, belied, falsified and misinterpreted

35. Conditions had reached the point where ‘the wicked surrounded the righteous and justice was perverted.’

36. It is vital that we not let ourselves be trapped by misguided or perverted love.

37. He is brash, impulsive, and somewhat perverted, which leads him to constantly arguing with Haruhiro.

38. “Slavery so perverted the balance of power that it made the degradation of the subordinate Caste …

39. I hope every driver who got stabbed by this perverted human being has a speedy recovery.

40. The perverted originality of Iago's ruse, now linked to a cause, thereby loses its lurid gleam.

41. “ Affluenza is an engagingly conversational, thought-provoking look at where we have perverted the American dream

42. But I can safely assure my readers that he is not the product of coldly perverted thinking.

43. Chapter three reveals how European - American ideology and patriarchy have perverted mother - daughter relationships in Song of Solomon.

44. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.” —Habakkuk 1:3, 4, New International Version.

45. It can be perverted - as Mrs Thatcher will seek to pervert it - into an alternative to public spending.

46. As a perverted horny rubber nurse I came into the office, where he was waiting for his enema.

47. Discredit occurs only when an otherwise amiable pastime is perverted by the destruction of many books to glorify one.

48. It destroys relationships, they claim, demeans women, abuses children, and engenders a perverted and harmful view of sex.

49. A lingering wrong desire planted in the recesses of the heart can eventually create a perverted sexual appetite.

50. The society had become so perverted by power and corruption that honest people were considered to be stupid.

51. However, Kaori is very susceptible and jealous, often hitting Ryo with a giant hammer when he does something perverted.

52. By such devices she perverted his sympathy into agreement with her fantasy that the West for them was only an excursion.

53. (Jeremiah 8:8, 9; Acts 20:29, 30) As a consequence, a perverted, counterfeit Christianity appeared on the world stage.

54. 23 Relating to or affected with an antisocial personality disorder that is usually characterized by aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.

55. 1 Samuel 8:3 His sons didn't walk in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took Bribes, and perverted justice

56. A bitter divorce followed, in which Grey's application – accusing Chaplin of infidelity, abuse, and of harbouring "perverted sexual desires" – was leaked to the press.

57. According to Wirth, the entire Nordic tradition has been distorted, perverted and desacralized by racially impure descendants of the men of Arctogaea - religion, art, language

58. Fornication —which includes adultery and all perverted sex practices, such as sodomy, homosexuality, bestiality and others— is now freely practiced among many classes of society.

59. They were not sickened by such exhibitions because the ghastly butcheries of the amphitheatre had long since debased their feelings and perverted their instincts.” —Matthew 5:27, 28.

60. The Ancients (the original creations of the Ten gods) and The Others (the banished gods) are the primary antagonists in the lore who defiled and perverted all of creation

61. “The public image of an Abortionist was of an evil, leering, drunken, perverted butcher at worst, and a cold, mysterious, money-hungry Park Avenue price-gouger at best

62. Those who view pornography may become habitual masturbators and nurture “uncontrolled sexual passion,” which may result in an addiction to sex, perverted desires, serious marital disharmony, and even divorce.

63. If the writers had lived and worked in the real world without such distorted dark perverted vision they would have seen real virtue and courage like the real El Cid.

64. Now Brutishness is a less evil than vice, though more alarming; for it is not that the better part has been perverted, as in man,-they have no better part

65. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books Most damningly, this mode of (un) ethical (un) reasoning is responsible for all manner of inequity and iniquity, since the Ascription of "essential" and "perverted

66. People absorb that evil spirit when they expose themselves to materialistic, me-first thinking, to violent attitudes, and to the distorted and often perverted view of love that is so common in the world.

67. Atrabilious handmaiden جھنکارنا جھگڑا کرنا space capsule homeotherm passionate uraza spanningsloos perverted notification arabian آغازی affability virum volitare per ora நில அளவை எண்; புல எண் வழிமொழிதல் , ஆமோதித்தல் angol alsóház elnöke Kozina-type

68. And all that cfight against Zion shall be destroyed, and that great whore, who hath perverted the right ways of the Lord, yea, that great and abominable church, shall tumble to the ddust and great shall be the fall of it.

69. ‘My Abhorrence of this particular day registers on two levels.’ ‘Despite ever-growing public Abhorrence of this most antisocial crime, numbers of drivers caught over the limit are rising.’ ‘This perverted Abhorrence of women destines religions to collide with modernity everywhere, for to …

70. So we pay homage to Cervantes at a time when we routinely co-habit with a very different outrageousness: religious fanaticism and terrorism, political manipulation, the cacophony of perverted simplification, the belligerent marriage between a new messianism and an aggrandizing quixotic blindness.

71. Artful: 1 adj not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness Synonyms: disingenuous distorted , misrepresented , perverted , twisted having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented insincere lacking sincerity Antonyms: artless , ingenuous characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious candid ,

72. Attackers ADN-298 When The Wedding Ceremony Concluded The Bride In Her Moment Of Greatest Happiness Got Fucked By Her Father-In-Law This Dirty Old Man Subjected Her To A Full-Body-Licking Session Of Perverted Sex Tsumugi Akari 4,583 views

73. It thrills me to admit to myself and to select others that I am, in fact, "a Cocksucker"!! That I'll willingly and submissively take another man's cock into my mouth in order to eagerly and enthusiastically perform an act considered by many to be disgusting, perverted and depraved.

74. In the sequence about small hands, even an ear untuned to the subtleties of that pastoral might have caught (though in a version perverted by the abjectly low level of the exchange) the famous line from e.e. cummings, the American Apollinaire: “Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands.”

75. Antinomianism (anti, against, and nomos, law), the heretical doctrine that Christians are exempt from the obligations of the moral law.The term first came into use at the Protestant Reformation, when it was employed by Martin Luther to designate the teaching of Johannes Agricola and his sectaries, who, pushing a mistaken and perverted interpretation of the Reformer’s doctrine of