Use "personality cult" in a sentence

1. 14 Meanwhile the personality cult around this campaigner grew.

2. 11 An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.

3. The last years of Brezhnev's rule were marked by a growing personality cult.

4. His death was attributed, in part, to undermining the Kim family personality cult.

5. As a result, a personality cult developed around both Perón and his wife.

6. According to Baqer Moin, as part of Khomeini's personality cult, he "had been transformed into a semi-divine figure.

7. But even though Zawahiri has conjured less of a personality cult, Al qaida's current leader is just as dangerous to …

8. Dictator François Duvalier fostered a personality cult around himself and he claimed that he was the physical embodiment of the nation.

9. Ceauşescu, in particular, was heavily influenced by Kim's ideology, and the personality cult that grew around him in Romania was very similar to that of Kim.

10. C Rajagopalachari criticized the personality cult surrounding Nehru, saying that there should be an opposition group within the Congress because it was running with "accelerators and no brakes" without a true opposition.