Use "personae" in a sentence

1. Bacchaelecture [HTML] Bacchae DRAMATIS PERSONAE

2. They present the viewer with a personae which is simultaneously present and absent.

3. Excavations of the significance and inherence of hot sport news and personae.

4. Creation, updating and development of virtual characters, personae, communities and avatars, all for entertainment, education and leisure purposes

5. which often express this idea by qualifying immunity ratione personae as “complete”, “full”, “integral” or “absolute”.

6. 18 The great significance of Horney's ideology is to analyze and understand the mental conflict of the dramatis personae.

7. 3 The dramatis personae Arthur was a revolutionary who did his best to save the motherland Italy.

8. 12 However, the didactic goal usually does irreparable harm to the characterization of the dramatis personae.

9. 7 The female dramatis personae in this book is a real portraiture of writer.

10. Complicity between the two personae is betrayed by using the reading performed to justify the choice made.

11. However, the didactic goal usually does irreparable harm to the characterization of the dramatis personae.

12. 30 As Good as It Gets had a similar dramatis personae, except that the easygoing guy was gay.

13. 19 When acting as a connotation character,( it compares with the dramatis personae and sustains each other.

14. 13 And in the Homeric spirit, quite a few of the dramatis personae are blind, or partially blind.

15. 2 As Good as It Gets had a similar dramatis personae, except that the easygoing guy was gay.

16. 14 As the incomplete love going along with polt, a tragic ending arised among dramatis personae .

17. [from 20th c.] 1990, Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae: The Contrapposto flexes one buttock and relaxes the other.

18. 17 This thesis will expatiate the underlying existential text of Tess from the visual angle of dramatis personae , Tess and D'Urberville.

19. What Brooke-Rose does with discursive and textual matter in much of her previous fiction she does here with personae.

20. 4 In Genesis we find a variety of dramatis personae and a coherent system of communicative models that are represented by its speech acts performed.

21. This thesis will expatiate the underlying existential text of Tess from the visual angle of dramatis personae , Tess and D'Urberville.

22. 15 Tragedy spirit is the struggling spirit and sacrifice spirit that dramatis personae oppose doom fate for some perfect value.

23. 1990, Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae: She has dropped it by Autotomy, like the tail or claw of a fleeing lizard, lobster, or starfish.

24. 8 Wang Meng delineates the dramatis personae of Hui in his novel such as a short story "Hero Ismail" and a saga novel "Love Season".

25. 11 The love choices of Dramatis personae signify their political ideals, so a hero and a beauty beat a handsome scholar and a pretty girl.

26. 20 Acting as a function character, it takes on the narrative function, leading the reader into the life space of the dramatis personae.

27. 21 In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.

28. 6 The leading idea: The importance of the consciousness of himself is established by the analysis of the new relation between "author" and "dramatis personae".

29. 1 It is a name of film. The dramatis personae who have no house , no car, no wife even, got what he want, at the end .

30. 10 From the wander, dramatis personae in on the road movies, this part tries to unearth how on the road movie comprehend the existence status of the human being.

31. 16 In the aspect of material, many early works of Hsu Yu, who was just back from France in 19 describe the romance experienced by dramatis personae while traveling in other countries.

32. 5 Rhett Butler, the dramatis personae of the novel"Gone With the Wind", is a representative character of art of irony, which is one of most consummate designs of literature productions.

33. From the wander, dramatis personae in on the road movies, this part tries to unearth how on the road movie comprehend the existence status of the human being.

34. In Persona 3 and Persona 4, there is a skill that the Personae can use called "Akasha Arts", a Strike attack skill that inflicts damage on all enemies.

35. 9 When you see the dramatis personae of three brothers to a Singapore bank loans, suffer from sleep enough to cause a layer of some incident on the degree of wondering.

36. Conservator (female Conservatrix) may refer to: Conservator of a Conservatorship, a person appointed by a court or regulatory authority to supervise a person or entity's financial affairs Conservator (religion), a judge appointed by the Pope to protect the personae miserabiles

37. De contentione inter ordines potissimum damnatur notio cuiusdam pugnae quae non ethicis rationibus vel iuridicis finitur, quae videlicet dignitatem personae alterius respuit (eadem proinde semet quoque reicit ipsa), quae idcirco omnem Accommodationem amovet atque nihil universum societatis bonum persequitur, sed bonum particulare quod in bonum

38. Unde non immerito sexta Synodo Constantinopolitana sancitum est, ut personae quae dant Abortionem cientia medicamenta, & quae foetus necantia venena accipiunt, homicidae poenis subiiciantur, sed, & veteri Concilio Ilerdensi cautum est, ut qui conceptos ex adulterio foetus necare studuerint, vel in ventribus matrum potionibus aliquibus

39. De contentione inter ordines potissimum damnatur notio cuiusdam pugnae quae non ethicis rationibus vel iuridicis finitur, quae videlicet dignitatem personae alterius respuit (eadem proinde semet quoque reicit ipsa), quae idcirco omnem Accommodationem amovet atque nihil universum societatis bonum persequitur, sed bonum particulare quod in bonum

40. De contentione inter ordines potissimum damnatur notio cuiusdam pugnae quae non ethicis rationibus vel iuridicis finitur, quae videlicet dignitatem personae alterius respuit (eadem proinde semet quoque reicit ipsa), quae idcirco omnem Accommodationem amovet atque nihil universum societatis bonum persequitur, sed bonum particulare quod in bonum

41. De contentione inter ordines potissimum damnatur notio cuiusdam pugnae quae non ethicis rationibus vel iuridicis finitur, quae videlicet dignitatem personae alterius respuit (eadem proinde semet quoque reicit ipsa), quae idcirco omnem Accommodationem amovet atque nihil universum societatis bonum persequitur, sed bonum particulare quod in bonum

42. The fiction of Irving's history is that it was written by a Diedrich Knickerbocker (Irving often used personae, the most famous being Geoffrey Crayon of The Sketch Book), a kindly but eccentric old Dutchman, who rented a room in a boarding house, and worked incessantly and Crotchetily on his opus behind closed doors to the bemusement of his