Use "persists" in a sentence

1. When a Fleshly Weakness Persists

2. Ancestor Worship —Why It Persists

3. Acetabuloplasty if acetabular dysplasia persists.

4. What if the noise maker persists ?

5. I'm afraid your husband's aberrant thinking persists.

6. 5 If the pain persists, consult a doctor.

7. If the pain persists, consult a doctor.

8. Regan persists in smuggling in such propensities.

9. Contact your doctor if the cough persists.

10. 15 What if despite your efforts, the pressure persists?

11. 3 Contact your doctor if the cough persists.

12. 10 Despite denials,( she persists in her entreaties.

13. If soreness persists, return to your dentist for an adjustment.

14. In fact, breathiness persists throughout the vowel following the Breathy

15. Childhood Adhd persists into adulthood Adhd for about 50% of individuals

16. If the accelerated mitosis persists, his body will eventually give out.

17. 18 If the pain persists you should consult your doctor.

18. If he persists in breaking the law, he will go to prison.

19. If dandruff persists despite regular shampooing , you may need something stronger .

20. An Afterimage is a visual effect that persists after the stimulation has ceased

21. He persists in obtrude himself despite our effort to get rid of him.

22. (7) Zagreb Antivenomis indicated ifhypotension persists and to reduce morbidity in adults

23. ChaperoneCollector consumes audit stats from 'Chaperone-audit' and persists them into database.

24. But what if the painful situation persists for weeks, months, or even years?

25. If pain persists for more than # hours after medical examination, seek medical advice again

26. The Urgonian facies completely surrounds the Parentis Basin and persists into the Albian.

27. Aftertaste (plural Aftertastes) A taste of something that persists when it is no longer present

28. The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers(, dope sellers and gangsters.

29. Although Member States acknowledged this need a decade ago, the problem of segmentation persists.

30. Occasional incompetence may be overlooked, but yours persists at a level worthy of Parliament.

31. Bandlessness may be quite incidental to hybridization, but that still leaves the question ofwhyit persists

32. 15 Cinderella begs to be permitted to go. Despite denials, she persists in her entreaties.

33. The media persists in its portrayal of us as muggers, dope sellers and gangsters.

34. The typical Anoxic release pattern was established by late May-early June and persists through September

35. Mortality and severe complications are unusual but do occur, especially if peritonitis persists and is untreated.

36. 10 . See your doctor if the problem persists after more than a couple weeks of treatment .

37. The Bisphosphonate-treated fracture callus persists, and woven bone does not get replaced by lamellar bone

38. This behavior persists until you explicitly disable Debug mode by specifying the following command line argument:

39. In these “egopaths”, a relatively specific abnormality of maturation and structure of the ego persists.

40. If Colic persists more than 20 to 30 minutes after Banamine administration, call your veterinarian

41. Biphobia persists in both straight and gay/lesbian communities in large part because of monosexism

42. 16 EYE: Irrigate with flowing water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, consult a physician.

43. 19 Adults have lungs, But a gill slit persists from the larval stage side Behind the head.

44. Hepatitis B virus DNA persists in the body after infection, and in some people the disease recurs.

45. This new voice persists: The bits and bobs will be down there all right, happily rotting away.

46. (Job 7:15, The New English Bible) What if such a condition persists, even for years?

47. They will not do this if all the recent most regrettable and very negative publicity persists.

48. The confidential world of the city clerk persists in Eliot's poorest play which looks again to Victorian melodrama.

49. If the underlying cause persists, however, then a suffocating blanket of activated lymphocytes surrounds every new blood vessel.

50. As the Adenomatous terrain persists, the growth can involve the fibrous layers of the anterior zone (Fig

51. Second, the LCP is not an adequate solution to Canada’s childcare problems98 since the worker shortage persists.

52. Much of its period charm persists, along with its claim that no felon may be arrested there.

53. This situation persists today, though strong movements towards interdisciplinary research help to avoid total fragmentation of scientific understanding.

54. Lastly, general practitioners must feel confident to ask a colleague for advice if poor control of symptoms persists.

55. Demand for Brachycephalic conformation as a breed standard persists despite health issues associated with the anatomic abnormalities

56. The element of a divided Europe persists in the Danube river basin, actually limiting European integration trends.

57. If the problem of halitosis persists, a visit to the doctor is necessary to determine the cause.

58. Note that the Cloaca in mammals is an early embryonic transient structure and only persists in birds and reptiles

59. 1 day ago · Kovacevic Competes in Challenger, Illinois persists in singles play to sweep Purdue

60. 16 When a fleshly weakness persists, we can show that we trust in Jehovah by imploring him in prayer.

61. Even as China has flung open its doors to the West and modernized, a deeply conservative and chauvinistic attitude persists.

62. 1,9 Because Cubitus varus deformity persists and has no spontaneous remolding, the only method to correct the deformity is surgery

63. Avunculate: It refers to the special relationship that persists in some societies between a man and his mother's brother

64. Infants show alarm reactions to repeated, loud, high-frequency noises and the resulting sympathicotonic reaction persists for several minutes.

65. That prohibition still persists, and legislation to open the nation's woodlands up to its people hangs in the balance.

66. Regrettably, this illogical and antediluvian attitude still persists even when we are dealing with nations substantially richer than ourselves.

67. 12 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

68. When hate persists, how will you Coexist? Coexist tells the emotional stories of women who survived the Rwandan genocide in 1994

69. After image (Conclave Records / UP records)- An auditory memory that persists after the stimulus that caused it is no longer operational

70. Indeed, when Sophia persists in researching family history on her own, she uncovers much more than she had bargained for.

71. And this economy persists to a substantial degree, courtesy of both the climate and exploitable migrant and illegal-alien labor.

72. Criminology is a field of study closely linked to sociology that examines the reasons why crime exists and persists in society

73. As long as this biased reward system persists, motivating teaching staff to improve the training of medical students will be difficult.

74. Nigeria witnessed very high rates of unemployment particularly youth unemployment during the military era and the effect still persists, adversely affecting women

75. Yet the queasy feeling persists among Democrats and Republicans that the accident-prone challenger may still collapse before reaching that final hurdle.

76. The reasonable man Adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to Adapt the world to himself

77. 24 Regrettably, this illogical and antediluvian attitude still persists even when we are dealing with nations substantially richer than ourselves.

78. Asian is now solidly preferred to Asiatic; the latter persists mainly in the names of some kinds of flora and fauna

79. 2 Other investigators claim that endogenous prostaglandins may not be essential since gastric cytoprotection persists after pretreatment with prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors.

80. Blackface and the codifying of blackness— language, movement, deportment, and character—as caricature persists through mass media and in public performances today