Use "persistently" in a sentence

1. She persistently asserted her opinions.

2. They have persistently ignored our advice.

3. Questioned persistently by the teacher, he squirmed .

4. They have persistently denied claims of illegal dealing.

5. They persistently stuck him with fund collection.

6. The allegations have been persistently denied by ministers.

7. His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists.

8. Batter definition, to beat persistently or hard; pound repeatedly

9. Speculation about his death centred most persistently on financial worries.

10. Chemical injury increases muscle stiffness and persistently Activates MuSCs

11. What does Constantly mean? In a constant manner; occurring continuously; persistently

12. What will move us to pray persistently for holy spirit?

13. Beleaguer definition: to trouble persistently; harass Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

14. Beleaguer definition: to trouble persistently; harass Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

15. A few months later he was fined for persistently importuning for immoral purposes.

16. 27 Genovariation existed in E region of persistently infected mutant Japanese encephalitis virus.

17. The lady’s husband persistently asked who had sent the sisters to their house.

18. Such distortions lead to a persistent trade surplus and a persistently rising yen.

19. And to find a way out means persistently navigating the Anfracture: a …

20. This page shows answers to the clue Annoyed.Annoyed may be defined as “Aroused to impatience or anger”, “Troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances” and “Harassed troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances”

21. Synonyms for Continually include repeatedly, frequently, often, persistently, recurrently, regularly, constantly, hourly, oft and oftentimes

22. Barratry (countable and uncountable, plural barratries) The act of persistently instigating lawsuits, often groundless ones

23. The roar of waves woke her breaking over her persistently until she opened her eyes.

24. Public procurement weaknesses are persistently reported as affecting the efficiency of public resources allocation.

25. This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.

26. Ays works across media + culture to persistently redefine what it means to create and communicate.

27. Method and arrangement for adapting semi-persistently configured, periodic resources in a wireless communications network

28. 10 This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.

29. Unemployment and persistently high rates of poverty call for action at EU and national level.

30. Since January 19 engineers had been employed, quietly but persistently, in tunnelling into the ridge.

31. Synonyms for Contumaciously include obstinately, firmly, resolutely, staunchly, tenaciously, unwaveringly, doggedly, determinedly, steadfastly and persistently

32. To Beleaguer is to mentally beset from all sides persistently, as with work or worries.

33. Partners in a good marriage do not persistently succumb to anger, quarreling, and holding a grudge.

34. African-American women have persistently low rates of Breastfeeding compared to White and Hispanic American women

35. Those cross - Atlantic aficionados who persistently idolize the British theater and bad - mouth broadway ( Benedict Nightingale ).

36. Rates declined substantially for all age groups, although they were persistently highest among adolescents (Figure 1).

37. The resultant comparison with housework persistently branded it as a less enjoyed and less enjoyable occupation.

38. This typical ECG pattern may be present persistently, intermittently or only after administration of sodium-channel blockers.

39. He played the piano well, was an enthusiastic Ailurophile, and persistently played solitaire while talking and writing.

40. However, the alcohol and tobacco industries have persistently blamed their consumers as a shield against corporate responsibility.

41. To assail persistently; harass: "[patients] Bombarded with bewildering terms like 'managed competition' and 'risk selection'" (Carla Cantor)

42. We see this as a significant strength and it shows: Ats is persistently ranked as a top workplace among …

43. In trade terms, the Australian economy has had persistently large current account deficits for more than 50 years.

44. Catlover “He played the piano well, was an enthusiastic Ailurophile, and persistently played solitaire while talking and writing

45. To assail persistently; harass: "[patients] Bombarded with bewildering terms like 'managed competition' and 'risk selection'" (Carla Cantor)

46. There were girls who persistently stayed out late, girls who kept bad company and girls who drank too much.

47. Since the foundation of the DPRK, the government has persistently persecuted religiously active people, typically categorizing them as "hostile elements."

48. Punitive methods persistently used against a background of rejecting, hostile parental attitudes lead, in the long term, to trouble.

49. And like almost everyone else in business in Britain today, farmers have had to contend with persistently high interest rates.

50. At the same time, persistently tight labour markets in net-creditor countries have not translated so far into significant wage accelerations.

51. The ardent male flies persistently around her, in a type of high-speed aerial waltz, hoping that she will eventually relent.

52. The persistently troublesome problems and the large spot discharges are the pollutions which are likely to come to agency attention.

53. "Git outa deh way," she persistently Bawled, waving feet with their dishevelled shoes near the heads of her children.

54. To complete your Classification and persistently label (tag) the database columns with the new Classification metadata, select Save in the Classification page

55. To focus the attention on a subject persistently and moodily; worry: Brooded about his future; Brooded over the insult for several days

56. The effect of persistently ignoring or suppressing the conscience can be likened to that of searing the flesh with a branding iron.

57. Compulsive behavior is defined as performing an action persistently and repetitively without it necessarily leading to an actual reward or pleasure

58. The government was persistently unwilling to amend Poor Law principles to take account of the mounting evidence of extensive involuntary unemployment.

59. Injury severity increased platelet accumulation and fibrin formation in a persistently steep fashion and, together with Arteriole diameter, defined clot height

60. It was labeled "low-performing and persistently dangerous" due to its low test scores and high number of weapons, drugs, assaults and arrests.

61. Old Slattery, who clung persistently to his few acres, in spite of repeated offers from Gerald and John Wilkes, was shiftless and whining.

62. The act or practice of following someone persistently or stealthily, especially online: Twitter and LinkedIn Creeping is a normal part of my day.

63. When I persistently tried to get him to slow down, he teasingly called me his ball and chain —usually accompanied by an appreciative hug.

64. He believed in persistently advertising. Barnum understood that hit-and-miss advertising doesn't work, but a consistent message, told over and over, hits its mark.

65. We had persistently warned the partners of the absolute inappropriateness of holding these games in the current highly tense Georgian domestic and regional situation.

66. Dockery has persistently advocated “Convictional civility” as a vision for contemporary engagement—in which witness is more important that winning, and fidelity is more effective than fighting

67. It takes tremendous discipline to control and restrain your desires, emotions and passions, and to make yourself do what is desirable for you persistently. Dr T.P.Chia 

68. In view of Jesus’ words at Matthew 5:27, 28, are not all who persistently indulge in such fantasies guilty of committing adultery in their hearts?

69. With normal crying, your baby will respond to comfort measures and will stop crying eventually; with colic, your baby persistently cries and can’t seem to be Consoled

70. In this regard, under Act No # of # uly # amending certain articles of the Personal Status Code, debtors who persistently do not pay alimony are replaced by the State

71. Cuss may be defined as “ A persistently annoying person ”, “ Cuss is slang for a person, especially a man ” and “ Profane or obscene expression usually of surprise or anger ”

72. In view of Jesus’ words at Matthew 5:27, 28, all of those who persistently indulge in fantasies of illicit sex are guilty of committing adultery in their hearts.

73. Glaucomatous Cup a depression of the optic disk due to persistently increased intraocular pressure, broader and deeper than a physiologic Cup, and occurring first at the temporal side of the disk.

74. Lucky things always happen when you work diligently and persistently. You will find more opportunity and luck, if you are more attentive to what is around you. Dr T.P.Chia 

75. Bleiler, Introduction'', in Montague Rhodes James, ''Ghost Stories of an Antiquary , page 4, He played the piano well, was an enthusiastic Ailurophile , and persistently played solitaire while talking and writing

76. It will pay specific attention to national eligibility rules in its monitoring and audit of national management and control systems, in particular in Member States with persistently high error rates

77. (Revelation 17:14) True to the prophecy, the nations have persistently ‘battled with the Lamb’ throughout this time of the end, opposing and persecuting those who act as ambassadors of his Kingdom.

78. 26 However, sufferers will eventually exhibit a manic or hypo-manic episode in which their mood and energy are persistently elevated, euphoric or irritable (usually lasting for a minimum of one week).

79. We know Slovenia as a country which addressed, without much ado, persistently and consistently, the big issues of its transition and today has every reason to be referred to as 'Eastern Europe's best performer'.

80. Cruelly (26 Occurrences) Matthew 15:22 Here a Canaanitish woman of the district came out and persistently cried out, "Sir, Son of David, pity me; my daughter is Cruelly harassed by a …