Use "perpetrated" in a sentence

1. Who perpetrated this farce?

2. Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime?

3. The horrors perpetrated upon humanity by Atheists are unparalleled

4. Details About The Great Abuse Being Perpetrated Utilizing Religious Asceticism

5. Similar Atrocities and violations of international law being perpetrated in Korea

6. led him to be more vulnerable to the tragedy that he perpetrated.

7. Chapter # adio-electronic aggression perpetrated by the United States against Cuba

8. 21 It was all an accident, a hoax he had perpetrated on himself.

9. The intentional deaths were not necessarily perpetrated by other children or family members.

10. She felt a growing revulsion at some of the atrocities perpetrated by paramilitaries.

11. Bilking money from SDCBC is just the latest fraud scheme perpetrated by Minkow

12. The moment they were perpetrated, Mauritania voiced its absolute condemnation of those terrorist acts

13. The Antichrist Documentary busts wide open a lie that has been perpetrated for centuries

14. The moment they were perpetrated, Mauritania voiced its absolute condemnation of those terrorist acts.

15. Punishable acts, perpetrated by persons in their capacity as civil servants of the Greek State;

16. There is a saving grace behind the disgrace perpetrated by major-league players and owners.

17. And so are all abuses of power, whether perpetrated by governments, corporations, religious bodies, or individuals.

18. Shrier Blithered about prison rapes being perpetrated by trans women and claimed that the bill is misogynistic

19. Thus, such criminal offences against minors can be prosecuted for a long time after they have been perpetrated

20. As nothing else, the child within her womb kept reminding her daily, hourly of the treachery she had perpetrated.

21. Some of our participants reported having forgotten episodes of nonviolent sexual abuse perpetrated by a trusted adult.

22. In the name of the Supreme Creator, . . . human beings have perpetrated the most abominable atrocities against their fellow creatures.”

23. In reality, all initiates are both light and dark(, and perpetrate the same perpetrated against them.

24. Anger at what has been perpetrated and an insistence on due process are the essential combination in dealing with war crimes.

25. “This Barbaric attack, allegedly motivated by a business dispute and perpetrated by a man employed as a corrections officer, has left Ms

26. All 4 victims were found with their throats slashed, eviscerated, And the murders perpetrated in semi-Public places after dark.

27. The Ahistorical fallacy states that if you are not the one who has actually perpetrated the injustice, you should not be held accountable

28. This is a tragedy for innocent Azerbaijanis, whose lives were cut short because of the massacre perpetrated by the Armenian armed forces

29. Date rape and Acquaintance rape are forms of sexual assault involving coercive sexual activities perpetrated by an Acquaintance of the rape survivor

30. ‘The Cruelty perpetrated on the family must cease immediately.’ ‘Is the response to the extreme Cruelty of tyrants the defining moment of the human condition?’ Synonyms

31. In one survey of women, only two percent of respondents who stated they were sexually assaulted said that the assault was perpetrated by a stranger.

32. He went east because of problems in Asia Minor perpetrated by Mithridates VI of Pontus, who had designs on territory within Rome's sphere of influence.

33. The Task Force investigates a series of attacks on data centers perpetrated by a Blacklister with a peculiar condition, as Liz conducts a secret investigation on the side

34. Nations claiming to be Christian have perpetrated godless acts of violence, including the two worst wars of human history —and “Christian” clergymen on both sides blessed those wars!

35. “In the name of the Supreme Creator,” observes an editorial in the magazine India Today, “human beings have perpetrated the most abominable atrocities against their fellow creatures.”

36. Created by the team at Huffington Post, the new infographic brings to the forefront some of the manipulations, Blackmailings, and backstabbings that Underwood has perpetrated on an impressive

37. Smith Kline added that this amendment had the effect of legitimizing acts of unfair competition which it alleged had been perpetrated by competitors before the Law was amended.

38. In eight of the cases reviewed, researchers were able to interview both the victim and/or witness officers and the offenders who perpetrated the Ambushes or attacks.

39. On June 26, 2009, Obama responded to the Iranian government's actions towards protesters following Iran's 2009 presidential election by saying: "The violence perpetrated against them is outrageous.

40. Tucker Carlson: The coronavirus pandemic is a global fraud perpetrated by China, Abetted by the powerful More than a year into the pandemic, we still don't know its full story

41. Agroterrorism is defined as an intentional criminal act perpetrated on some segment of the agriculture industry and/or the food system, intended to inflict harm, either through a health crisis or

42. The Task Force investigates a series of attacks on data centers perpetrated by a Blacklister with a peculiar condition; Liz conducts a secret investigation on the side[Global Channel] 14

43. Srebrenica massacre, slaying of more than 7,000 Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) boys and men, perpetrated by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica, a town in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, in July 1995

44. * As a handout, I had copies of the letter sent by Jehovah’s Witnesses to the German government, which in a politically neutral yet firm way decried the unjust acts perpetrated against Jehovah’s Witnesses.

45. The decision upset the patient who had little faith in allopathic claims and resented the idea of physical mutilation perpetrated on him in the name of scientific surgery . - But he was helpless .

46. While acknowledging that violence and war are “sometimes perpetrated in the name of religion,” the document declared that the signers would “collaborate with the United Nations . . . in the pursuit of peace.”

47. At the outset, EAM welcomed the dignitaries and impressed upon the need of curbing the malpractices perpetrated by unregistered Agents who despatch innocent people abroad on false pretext of overseas employment and thereafter abandon them.

48. Biphobia is, “the fear and dislike of bisexual people and others who have the potential to be attracted to more than one gender l.” It can be perpetrated by anyone and often looks different from homophobia

49. Prevail in obtaining a declaratory judgment Adjudging client as the rightful owner of bentley admin / 0 Comments Kenneth Focarino was a victim of a fraudulent scheme perpetrated by Emporio Motor Group, LLC (“Emporio”) in Ramsey, New Jersey when he purchased …

50. Such unauthorised access must be punished when perpetrated against an information system that is subject to specific protection measures or with the intent to cause damage to a singular or collective person, or with the intention of obtaining economic benefit.

51. ‘No Byzantinist anywhere should be able to claim ignorance of these vandal acts perpetrated against Serbian medieval and, indeed, Byzantine heritage.’ ‘Regardless of this, he continued the process of unification still further; though a strict Byzantinist, he set the stage for Dusan.’

52. Running Amok, sometimes referred to as simply Amok (also spelled amuck or amuk, from the Malay meaning "mad with uncontrollable rage" is a term for a killing spree perpetrated by an individual out of rage or resentment over perceived mistreatment.

53. Antisemitism is the hatred of or prejudice against Jews.Antisemitism has a long history, but the most well known act of anti-semitism is the Holocaust perpetrated by Germany, also known as the Final Solution, a genocide which happened between 1933 and 1945

54. In the period from 1885 to 1908, many well-documented Atrocities were perpetrated in the Congo Free State (today the Democratic Republic of the Congo) which, at the time, was a colony under the personal rule of King Leopold II of the Belgians.

55. Status of the offender: The homicide must be perpetrated by the husband of the adulteress. However, under Kuwaiti law the scope of this mitigating factor extends to include fathers, brothers and sons, since women who commit adultery insult and bring dishonour upon all their family members;

56. This debate on the measures to eliminate international terrorism is taking place under exceptionally grave circumstances in the aftermath of the despicable terrorist attacks perpetrated on 11 September in the United States — attacks that took thousands of innocent victims, men and women of all ages, cultures and faiths and of more than 80 nationalities.

57. The Murderers, after they had perpetrated the sanguinary deed, walked to the distance of some yards, and soon after Briskening their speed, they ran towards Dungeon Wood, and entirely escaped undiscovered, no pursuit or search having been made after them, till the arrival of a troop of the Queen’s Bays about three quarters of an hour afterwards.

58. And whereas the several offences, which are included under the general denomination of murder, differ so greatly from each other in the degree of their Atrociousness that it is unjust to involve them in the same punishment: Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all murder, which shall be perpetrated by means of poison, or by

59. However, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, composed of five judges and presided over by the President of the Tribunal, Judge Theodor Meron, reversed on 16 November 2012 the Trial Chamber judgment on Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac and acquitted the accused of the crimes perpetrated during the Croatian forces’ action Oluja.

60. Again, according to the prosecution, “in most cases, the seriousness of these rapes was further acerbated in that they were gang rapes, carried out repeatedly, perpetrated on young virgins or young girls in front of their mothers or other family members. For the most part these acts of sexual violence ended up with the murder of the victim”.

61. Subject: Aid to Christians driven out of the Molucca Islands Particular attention should be drawn to the persecution, violence and terror perpetrated against the Christian population of the Molucca Islands in Indonesia by Jihad militants, especially on the island of Ambon, which has resulted in the desecration and burning of churches, Christians being forced to flee en masse, and a large number of deaths.

62. The source adds that the Public Prosecution Service may order a person’s detention only “when the person’s presence is essential and there is sufficient evidence that the person perpetrated or participated in a publicly actionable offence that carries a prison sentence of at least two years and that the person might otherwise attempt to hide, escape, abscond or impede efforts to establish the truth” (art.

63. At that session, the Assembly condemned the military attack perpetrated against the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 15 April 1986; called upon the Government of the United States of America to refrain from the threat or use of force in the settlement of disputes and differences with the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; called upon all States to refrain from extending any assistance or facilities for perpetrating acts of aggression against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya; affirmed the right of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to receive appropriate compensation for the material and human losses inflicted upon it; requested the Security Council to remain seized of the matter; and requested the Secretary-General to report thereon to the Assembly at its forty-second session (resolution 41/38).