Use "permissive" in a sentence

1. Am I permissive?’

2. Others result from permissive life-styles.

3. Raising Children in a Permissive World

4. We live in a permissive society.

5. He had a very permissive upbringing.

6. The Fifties were not a permissive era.

7. 2 words related to Bailable: permissive, eligible

8. Or they may be tolerant to the point of being permissive.

9. Permissive Consecutive Permissive Consecutive Sentencing is an option for the court to have two or more sentences run Consecutively rather than concurrently without a departure

10. They allow the permissive society with its moral filth.

11. Direct priMary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive.

12. In the permissive society of the 1960s anything was possible.

13. Many of her adherents adopt or sponsor permissive life-styles.

14. Permissive Consecutive sentencing is most commonly used when there are two or more offenses on the permissive Consecutive list found in section 6 of the Guidelines.

15. 12. (a) Why should we not assume that Christ is permissive?

16. They must be accorded a permissive rather than a causal role.

17. In addition to permissive, immoral reasonings, these include spiritism and the theory of evolution.

18. According to the book Watching America, there is a method to television’s permissive madness.

19. He is a product of the permissive society of the 1960s.

20. What if a parent is permissive and fails to provide needed correction?

21. Would you trust him/her to a permissive relationship with contemporary television?

22. He claims that society has been far too permissive towards drug taking.

23. Geo-Anarchism is the outcome of applying the permissive geo prefix to the promiscuous anarchy

24. The result is a profit-motivated, permissive society in which the motto is, “Anything goes.”

25. In today’s permissive world, however, many parents fail to heed this counsel.

26. For he grew up before the permissive society and remembers his adolescence.

27. Permissive parents, on the other hand, are too lax about guiding their children.

28. He says: “Even in a permissive business environment, it is possible to be honest.

29. It's not always true that young people have a more permissive attitude towards sex.

30. Time and again a permissive present is contrasted with the not too distant past.

31. Nevertheless, we live in an unclean and permissive world that has few moral limitations.

32. Synonyms for Condoning include approving, tolerating, indulgent, lenient, permissive, forgiving, clement, liberal, forbearing and sympathetic

33. Earlier, permissive legislation had already enabled some authorities to innovate in services for the disabled.

34. It's a very permissive school where the children are allowed to do whatever they like.

35. (Romans 3:23) They are also neither unduly rigid nor overly permissive with their children.

36. Today’s permissive attitudes have prompted a number of youths to experiment with same-sex relationships.

37. The permissive society of the 60's and 70's was not yet dreamed of.

38. If research meets this condition (which is quite access permissive), it can occur without consent.

39. Nothing could be more reinforcing to a literary establishment which saw itself as amiable and permissive.

40. Fat Vince doubles as the popular and permissive assistant-manager of a snooker hall in Victoria.

41. 20 Earlier, permissive legislation had already enabled some authorities to innovate in services for the disabled.

42. The students on his floor came from backgrounds more affluent and permissive than his own.

43. The full set of speaker-oriented modality consists of imperative, prohibitive, optative, hortative, Admonitive, and permissive.

44. Confusion and uncertainty are the major characteristics of the permissive society according to the conservative-historians.

45. For both the conservative- and liberal-historians legislative change is of central importance to an understanding of the permissive society.

46. Ashkenazim are more permissive toward the usage of wigs as a hair covering for married and widowed women

47. Examples of non-Copyleft (“permissive”) free-software licenses include the X11 license, Apache license, and the BSD licenses.

48. On the contrary, the adaptive algorithm we propose shows better performance and allows more permissive flow control procedures.

49. 1 In today’s permissive society, many young people recklessly squander their lives on drugs, immorality, rebellion, and violence.

50. Both Copyleft and permissive licenses license allow users to freely copy, distribute, and change the software that use them

51. These powers were permissive, and in most of Britain urban sprawl and ribbon development continued more or less unabated.

52. While parents should never be abusive, they also need to avoid the other extreme —that of being permissive.

53. It is also possible to combine a rejecting and an authoritarian attitude, or a loving and a permissive one.

54. The tenor of the 1976 Act is permissive: a licence should be granted unless good cause is shown justifying refusal.

55. There are four kinds of analytic causatives: permissive and periphrastic and particle-marked causative constructions and isolating in ancient Chinese.

56. The author went from from a condemning Avengeful God to a milch toast, permissive parent who forgives all offenses

57. They are wary, too, of so-called family entertainment that promotes promiscuous or permissive ideas that Christians cannot approve.

58. This review underscores the controversies surrounding permissive underfeeding, aims to answer whether permissive underfeeding is appropriate for all critically ill patients, describes the impact of optimal protein delivery on critical care outcomes, discusses nutrition risk, and Cogitates on the impact of nutrition on critical care outcomes.

59. The grey streets of London and a Western society on which the permissive 1960s had made its mark were small compensation.

60. The suspect has little opportunity for demonstrating his or her innocence against any one of a medley of permissive street powers.

61. Those who advocated reform argued consistently that it ought not to be interpreted as a permissive move for two reasons.

62. An ascribed status is rigid because of its basis, while an Achieved status is permissive and accepting due to the capabilities of the individual.

63. 16 As permissive attitudes regarding sexual morality have become increasingly prominent, The Watchtower, instead of advocating the popular course, has provided sound Scriptural guidance.

64. Authoritarian parenting is one of three styles of parenting (Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive) identified by psychologist Diana Baumrind in a 1967 study of parenting techniques

65. What does Accommodating mean? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Accommodating as, “willing to please: helpful, obliging.” The list of related words includes “over-indulgent” and “permissive

66. The NOD/ShiLtJ background also contributes an allele of the Sirpa gene that renders the bone marrow niche very permissive to colonization by human hematopoietic stem cells.

67. A permissive parent, an indulgent friend, a fearful Church leader are in reality more concerned about themselves than the welfare and happiness of those they could help.

68. (Galatians 1:4; Ephesians 5:15) They want to shun permissive views of sex, and when disagreements arise, they should settle these without “anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech.”

69. Forcing states to accept the permits of the most permissive jurisdictions would be an assault on states' rights, says Mark Glaze of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a pressure group.

70. Copyleft licenses work like permissive licenses with a catch: they require sharing and licensing the source code for new software built with Copyleft-licensed software as open software, too

71. Copyleft Isn’t Limited to Just Permission; Many people have a misconception that Copyleft license is like a permissive license that bestows users with the freedom to do whatever they want

72. In an increasingly permissive world, men often feel that women owe them sex, especially if the man spends money on the woman or she initially seemed receptive to his advances.

73. (Isaiah 32:7) In fulfillment of these words, many of the clergy in particular have adopted a permissive attitude toward premarital sex, cohabitation of the unmarried, homosexuality —indeed, “fornication and uncleanness of every sort.”

74. See Medical Condition, Permissive Condition, Preexisting, Condition Pregnancy-related Conditions, Qualifying Condition, Restrictive Condition, Stress-related Condition verb To subject a person or organism to a set of circumstances that ↑ functionality Sports medicine Endurance training, see there.

75. Copyleft is a term coined by the FSF and implies that if you distribute a derivative work of a work under a Copyleft license, you must distribute the derivative under the same license as the original work (it may however be combined with works under a permissive license that is deemed "compatible", read on).