Use "permanent wave" in a sentence

1. 3 Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave?

2. 4 I went to the hairdresser for a permanent wave yesterday.

3. 8 For several years after that he kept getting the permanent wave.

4. 2 Prevention of hair damage by bleaching, dyeing, permanent wave, and other treatments.

5. 9 But perhaps never more so than in the case of the permanent wave .

6. The new space has been gradually transformed from a place of permanent wave to culinary rave.

7. 5 The new space has been gradually transformed from a place of permanent wave to culinary rave.

8. 1 A Antibiotics in your system can affect a permanent wave, giving poor or no results at all.

9. 6 The same narrow, lined face, the same grey eyes, the same grey hair with the same permanent wave.

10. 7 Actually, want to absorb proper nutrition only, prevent excessive insolation and give or have a permanent wave, catch hair,( hair colour and lustre still ameliorable .

11. 8 Prevent hair extensive to fizzle out should prevent insolation and give or have a permanent wave: Many people think, the hair floats fizzling out is inherent, not changeable.

12. 10 Prevent hair extensive to fizzle out should prevent insolation and give or have a permanent wave: Many people think, the hair floats fizzling out is inherent, not changeable.