Use "permafrost" in a sentence

1. These trees put their roots down in the permafrost, and the permafrost is thawing.

2. We have thawed permafrost.

3. Warmer climate accelerates complete permafrost thaw and enhances seasonal flow within the supra-permafrost layer.

4. The permafrost is thawing now.

5. As permafrost gets warmer, it could become wetlands.

6. Permafrost line runs right through middle, I think.

7. Florence in permafrost Cold pinches the hills around Florence.

8. Water extraction from permafrost by distillation seems rather straight forward.

9. This permafrost is a defining characteristic of the tundra Biome.

10. What is permafrost, and how does it affect plants?

11. At these dates, the sites were buried with silt, probably as a result of mass wasting on nearby permafrost mounds and then permafrost aggraded under the sites.

12. Water could be extracted by distilling or melting blocks of permafrost.

13. However, post-aggradational water penetrated into the permafrost of the lithalsa.

14. Management of forests, transportation, the oceans, the melting of the permafrost.

15. Method for monitoring the position of above-ground pipelines in permafrost conditions

16. Permafrost aggradation commenced in the lake bottom during the first winter following drainage.

17. New understanding of permafrost melt could soon alter global - climate models.

18. An example of a tipping point is the thawing of the permafrost.

19. The ice grew beneath a frozen diamicton during the downward aggradation of permafrost.

20. And what they found, by doing research into the permafrost, was this bacteria.

21. Very important to know, because suppose you got permafrost under your concrete slab?

22. The Circumpolar region comprises arctic areas and southern expanses of permafrost around the globe

23. Solute enrichment of near-surface permafrost is greatest at fine-grained ice-rich alluvial sites, where mean concentrations in permafrost are up to 7.5 times greater than those in the active layer.

24. The thin layer of moss and lichens on the surface serves to insulate the permafrost.

25. Around one - fifth of the world's land area lies within the permafrost zone.

26. Thrawing frozen ground is the key to alluvial gold mining in Permafrost horizon.

27. From 1987 to 1990, observations and logged data clearly show aggradation and cooling of the permafrost.

28. Very cold ice is very hard, and very cold permafrost is extraordinarily tough to cut through.

29. Vladimir Romanovsky permafrost expert also at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, says the study is worrying.

30. These landforms are not fossil permafrost bodies; they are presently evolving under aggrading and degrading developmental stages.

31. Permafrost encapsulation of the tailings would be used to control acid mine drainage and metal leaching.

32. Incidentally, the pipeline carrying me there is above the tundra to prevent thawing of the permafrost.

33. Scan-image analysis allowed the interpretation of the ice lenses and soil cryostructures resulting from permafrost aggradation.

34. The PAGE21 team then focused on including additional permafrost related processes in to global land-surface models.

35. How may permafrost and its active layer be used to illustrate what developed with some Hebrew Christians?

36. • An increase in snow cover and/or a rise in air temperatures will increase the decay of permafrost.

37. The specific site of growth is usually in a small residual pond where permafrost aggradation is retarded.

38. Depth of permafrost and availability of moisture both affect the distribution of plants in the northern Yukon.

39. Vast amounts of methane are locked up inside ice-like frozen Clathrates in permafrost and the ocean depths.

40. Decreased sea ice and changes in permafrost can affect transportation and the accessibility of certain communities in Nunavut.

41. Plants that grow in the thin top layer are often small or stunted; their roots cannot penetrate the permafrost.

42. At the same time, the ground adjacent to the underlying permafrost begins to freeze, forcing excess water upward.

43. Cold, continental environments characterized by rapid sedimentation and permafrost aggradation appear most conducive for formation of syngenetic fissures.

44. However, this thin layer of thawed soil is usually muddy because moisture cannot drain into the permafrost below.

45. Scientists are worried about the massive Craters appearing in the permafrost on a remote peninsula in the Arctic Circle

46. The permafrost surrounding the facility will help maintain the low temperature of the seeds if the electricity supply fails.

47. In addition, the enormous heat of the explosion melted the permafrost in the Taiga and created several small lakes.

48. The region is characterized by permafrost, and smectite and kaolinite are the common authigenic clay minerals in the soils.

49. The Lander is equipped with highly advanced instruments to analyze both the atmosphere and the permafrost at the polar region.

50. Lenses of rather pure ice are conceivable, but more likely is a permafrost containing 10 percent to 30 percent ice.

51. In August 1978, a large tundra lake was drained to study the aggradation of permafrost into newly exposed lake-bottom sediments.

52. Scientists now think that the Craters are caused by the build-up of methane gas in pockets of thawing permafrost under the surface

53. The Craters form within permafrost, ground that typically remains frozen through the summer, which blankets nine million square miles of the Northern Hemisphere

54. If the permafrost melts, the methane releases would cause the greenhouse effect to race out of control with consequences no one can predict.

55. SIBERIA’S Blowholes are exploding in numbers: Up to 20 have now been located, raising new fears the warming permafrost is releasing its deadly methane reserves.

56. Due to the presence of discontinuous permafrost over the Chang Tang, the soil is boggy and covered with tussocks of grass, thus resembling the Siberian tundra.

57. The sea rapidly erodes this permafrost in coastal zones, a geological process that could have major implications for humans living in such chilly coastal areas.

58. The Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks conducts research into space physics and aeronomy; atmospheric sciences; snow, ice, and permafrost; seismology; volcanology; and tectonics and sedimentation.

59. On Earth, the production of methane in Clathrates is essentially biological, and these compounds are mostly found in permafrost regions or in the sediments of continental shelves.

60. Since short duration temperature drops often result in ice-wedge cracking, the thermal stresses that trigger cracking probably originate more within the frozen active layer than at greater depth in permafrost.

61. Russia's vast permafrost areas may shrink by a third by the middle of the century due to global warming, endangering infrastructure in the Arctic zone, an emergencies ministry official said Friday.

62. One of the two mammoth museums. It is located in the ice-house – a cave hollowed out in the permafrost. Even in summer the temperature is subzero here.

63. If water moves under hydrostatic pressure resulting from local permafrost aggradation, then the pingo is a hydrostatic-system pingo (eg, closed-system pingos of the Mackenzie Delta and Banks Island).

64. But once the ice retreats and the permafrost thaws, heavy winds, waves, and freshwater currents can pummel the islands from all directions, making them rounder and smaller than in other environments.

65. Colluvium fragmental material accumulating on mountain slopes or at the foot of slopes owing to displacement from higher areas by gravity (talus, creep, and slides) or the movement of thawing, water-saturated products of weathering in areas of permafrost

66. Soil orders are frequently defined by a single dominant characteristic affecting soils in that location, e.g., the prevalent vegetation (Alfisols, Mollisols), the type of parent material (Andisols, Vertisols), or the climate variables such as lack of precipitation (Aridisols) or the presence of permafrost (Gelisols).

67. Cop: Coastal and Offshore Permafrost: Cop: Close Observation Patrol: Cop: Combined Operations Planning: Cop: Consistent Operating Picture: Cop: Contactable Off Premises: Cop: Creating Opportunities Program (Sprint) Cop: Cool on Purpose (music blog) Cop: Common Outage Probability: Cop: Coast-Out Point: Cop: Care-of Prefix: Cop: Change Order

68. In the forest–tundra, below the tree line, four sites in peat plateaus have a stratigraphic sequence indicating an alluvial plain environment from 6000 to 4800 BP followed by a wetland supporting trees and shrubs with deep snow accumulation and without permafrost.

69. The proximity of wedge ice to the base of the aggrading permafrost table and the absence of old spruce roots spanning ice-wedge troughs suggest that ice-wedge cracking did occur in the forest environments during the cold and dry conditions associated with the Little Ice Age and early part of the 20th century.